Chapter 457

Today's Daqin is in such an era full of opportunities, but it is extremely easy to fall into the abyss.

But in any case, the drawbacks of the feudal society are unavoidable.

All in all, although Daqin's current system generally has no major problems, it is that there is a holy monarch who is rare in a thousand years in today's court.

The first emperor was for the industry of the future, and therefore abandoned the people of the world. As a result, once the emperors of later generations did not treat the people leniently and regain the people's hearts, there would be countless Chen Sheng Wu Guang, who would rise up, and the opposite would happen.

This kind of thing has happened countless times in history.

It's just that the First Emperor was a little too ignorant in his old age. He should never pursue immortality, and he should never regard himself as a true dragon and emperor, who is omnipotent.

Now that you know that your death is coming, why not relax your mind, live your life well, and pave the way for future generations while you still have time. In this way, no matter how cruel you are, if Fusu or Hu Hai become emperor, he can treat all officials and people with kindness and kindness. If so, then Da Qin will not die so quickly.

According to the people's aspirations, when the enemy army invaded, they would have a great sense of belonging. It would no longer be the Qin army fighting alone, but would get the full support of countless people.

Because the eyes of the common people are sharp, they only need a mouthful of food to see whether the current emperor is a bright monarch who can make them live a good life.

And as long as it is determined that this is the heart of the people, it will take the initiative to cooperate with the national policy.

But generally speaking, many later generations of feudal monarchs often lived in deep palaces for a long time, seeking pleasure, living between glory, wealth and intrigue, and did not know the sufferings of the world, let alone civil affairs. Fighting with the ministers brings the people's life fueled by fire, so why worry about the immortality of the family and country?

An emperor who does not understand his country, his people, and his subjects is not worthy of being an emperor at all.

You can be blinded by traitors, but you can't be ignorant, let alone right and wrong. You must keep a clear mind and eyes. This is the bottom line. You must never be manipulated by traitors, let alone watch them in Under the eyes of the people, they form a party for selfishness, and bend the law for bribes.

What Da Qin needs is a sage who understands the operation of the entire country. Even if there is no experience to be found, at least he must understand what this country needs, what are the factors that can make the country perish, and what are the factors that can make a country Prosperous.

Bai Zhi believed that just letting the princes fight on the battlefield would not be of much use at all.

If you can grow fast just by following the war, then the time when the sages are the most should be during the Warring States Period.

What's more, when the prince is fighting, how can the current emperor put you in a dangerous situation?

After all, it is his own flesh and blood. If he is the heir, his status is even more unusual, but he is worthy of a future emperor.

The situation on the battlefield is complicated, and the battle situation is changeable. In case of an accident (Nori's), there is an accident, what should I do?

Does the emperor have the heart to watch his own flesh and blood suffer?

Of course not, so what should I do?

Naturally, it is to give him the most abundant food and grass, and he is equipped with a brave, skilled and experienced general, and then invites a calm veteran to sit at the top of the army. The sword, the thickest shield, the longest spear, and the best horse, secretly sent people to guard, so going on expeditions like this can be called reluctance.

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