I! Great Qin Rui Beast, Q\u0026A About the Opening Luck

Chapter 458 Strategies for Cultivating the Next Generation of Kings

Chapter 458 Strategies for Cultivating the Next Generation of Kings

In addition, when the soldiers and generals heard that the prince was going to fight in the army in person, they naturally wanted to perform well in front of the leaders, so they spared no effort in rushing to kill, especially in front of the prince. It greatly reduces the difficulty of his fighting on the battlefield, and it also provides a solid guarantee for his personal safety.

This led to the departure from the original intention. At first, the idea was to let the prince personally go to the battlefield to kill the enemy and experience the difficulties of the soldiers.

But at this time, it has become, excessive consumption of resources, to let him experience the life of the military camp.

Every time a battle is fought, it is a superior battle with strong soldiers and strong knives and shields, and they don't know how to deal with the enemy in a desperate situation.

950 Therefore, doing this is simply superfluous and unnecessary.

If you really want the princes to grow up, then you have to let them go to the people, let them follow the old farmers to farm the land, let them understand the difficulties of the people in this country, let them understand that the privilege of the royal family is not given by God. , but every grain of grain that grows out of the field that each of the people planted.

Then, let them hide their names and go to disaster relief areas to experience the ruthlessness of the world.

By the way, to appease people, enhance Daqin's status in the eyes of the people, and have a sense of recognition, let them know that when natural and man-made disasters occur, Daqin will not sit idly by, and will definitely give them the most appropriate resettlement.

Only in this way, when they become emperors in the future, they may have the ability to deal with any mess that appears in the whole country.

As a qualified emperor, not only must he have lofty goals, but he must also have a pair of bright eyes that can see through the sincerity of the people around him, as well as their true skills and ability to do things.

It is also necessary to see who are loyal ministers, who are treacherous ministers, and who are mediocrity, and understand which words are true, which are false, which are flattery, and which are heartfelt.

More importantly, we must have our own sense of innovation, and we must not miss the correct development opportunity because of the constraints of the ancestral system. When it is time to develop, we must not hesitate.

Whatever you choose, do it all at once. If you find something wrong in the middle of it (bbcc), do a field investigation. If it is generally correct, but if there are problems in some details, then make some appropriate changes and repair.

If the emperor acts, any one is wrong, it will affect every commoner in the whole country.

Since ancient times, the biggest heaven and earth of the common people is the government, and the emperor can be their savior or their disaster star.

When they meet a good emperor, their life can be a little easier.

But once they meet a bad emperor, then they can basically say that as long as they can save their own lives, they are not bad, let alone have a full meal.

People are selfish, people govern society, and the county system is the best solution.

Because the county system does not change because of people, anyone can be an official as long as it is an individual. Anyway, the responsibilities and tasks are placed there, and if they cannot be completed, they are waiting for punishment.

Once guilty, it will be doomed.

After all, in the Daqin period, if the country was governed according to the legalist theory, the punishment was so severe that no normal person could bear it.

It would be great if Daqin could really develop as he expected.

Bai Hei was drowsy, and suddenly, as if there were 10,000 ideas in his mind, inspiration burst forth...

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