Chapter 456 Dynasty Fate

As long as the needs of the people are met, they will naturally be willing to do these things.

Therefore, after reflecting on the various things that he has done during this period of time, both white and black believe that it is correct.

If Daqin manages the relationship between the people and the court properly, then the advantages of the rank system can be fully exerted.

Of course, the disadvantage of the county system must also be guarded against. It is extremely easy to form a separatist force at the local level and become a country within a country.

Since then, the requirements for the emperor are very high.

Bai Hei thought about it, the current First Emperor is still a wise monarch, facing the world with more than 11 memorials, he can handle it wisely, and make relatively correct decisions.

But what if there is a foolish king who is not as good as him, or who is incompetent?

The advantages of the county system can also turn into disadvantages!

Isn't that why the second emperor of the Qin Dynasty died in history?

One is prosperous, and one is lost.

At the same time when the centralized power reached its peak, the local leaders became extremely weak. Once the center was captured by the enemy army, the entire Daqin would collapse at the touch of a button.

Rebellion has a unique advantage.

What the First Emperor thought was that under the strict laws of Da Qin, no one dared to rebel.

But the more he thought about it, the greater the probability of such a thing happening.

Therefore, I have already tried my best to do the things that should be done now, and the most important thing is the education of the prince.

If you don’t want the incompetence of the kings of later generations to ruin the whole of the Qin Dynasty, you must let them experience the suffering of the people in person, so as to experience the suffering of the people and know that the people’s difficulties are not easy. That's the beginning of being a good emperor.

Hu Hai in history has completely become Zhao Gao's puppet.

What's more, under the county system, the emperor's word, that is, the imperial decree, implicates the counties and counties in the whole country, and the life and death of the people depend on this will.

If an unidentified person becomes the emperor, then the day when this gigantic Central Plains dynasty is destroyed will not be far away.

Even if Hu Hai did nothing and continued to defend the original foundation left by the First Emperor, Da Qin's national fortune would not be lost so soon.

I don't want him to tinker with the inadequacies of the First Emperor's policies. Just don't mess around, just sit back and enjoy the achievements. You can't. Your descendants will continue to have so many generations, and there will always be a good emperor. Above the court, there will always be loyal ministers whom they meet with death, and it is not too late to wait until they fix the inadequacies of the policy.

But history has no ifs, and if it is wrong, it is wrong. There is nothing to say. Qin’s death is an indisputable fact. strangled in the cradle.

Any unreasonable policy, or inappropriateness, will manifest its disadvantages at the end of a dynasty, magnify infinitely, and eventually lead to the downfall of the entire dynasty. This is almost a three-hundred-year rule. The fate of the Central Plains Dynasty cannot escape.

Bai Hei can only do his best to save Da Qin, at least, there is always a chance to start everything.

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