Chapter 434 Ambushed!

All of a sudden, the dozen or so Huns in the back who were busy running away suddenly turned around like a ghost while the horses were galloping under their crotch.

Three or four sharp and thick arrows aimed straight at the Daqin pursuers behind them, a bright threat and a huge dangerous atmosphere.

Deep fear lingered on the body of Daqin's chasing soldiers.

Their hair was dazed, and in this instant, it seemed that even the back was sweating, and the hand holding the weapon was shaking involuntarily.

Whoosh whoosh—

puff puff!

Several arrows were fired at the same time, hitting a large number of Qin soldiers.

Blood spurted out, spitting out from their mouths and facial features, like a gushing spring.

But at this moment, they were not completely dead, but retained part of the consciousness of their brains. Looking down, they saw that their bodies were completely penetrated by the thick arrows, and they felt numb and tingling. This was only just passed into the bones of the body, and he completely lost everything—consciousness.

Even the brain has stopped functioning, completely losing the consciousness it should have.

They have no other ideas, at this moment, they just want to continue to kill the enemy.

But until the last moment when they died in battle, they still held the sharp knife in their hands tightly and never gave up.

All because it is faith.

They have never been so determined about anything in their lives except living.

Apparently that is the case now.

"Damn it! 35

"Ambush by their archers!

"Hurry up and raise your shield, all the soldiers in the rear will block themselves for me!"

With the loud shouts of the hundred generals, everyone really obediently raised the shields in their hands.

But something unexpected happened, and none of the arrows was successfully shot, as if the Huns knew they were guarded, so they wouldn't come forward to attack them.

"Cunning Huns!"

Just listening to Bai Jiang scolded the quintessence of the country, even when he opened his mouth, he shouted angrily: "If you have the ability, will you fight against me head-on?"

"What kind of hero does he count as a hero? 35

But no matter how he scolded him, the Huns would not agree.

··For flowers...

Because they knew that they were not the opponents of Da Qin's desperados, and even if they couldn't be defeated, they would definitely not take advantage of them.

"Damn Huns, they are afraid of us, and they shoot arrows at us on horseback!"

"Brothers, pay attention when you rush up later, and once they turn around, raise their shields in front of them, and don't get shot. 35

'Our people are fighting less and less, but you, these people can survive in the turns of the army's attack, it really proves that you are the first-class elite soldiers of the Qin Dynasty, and when you go back, you will definitely be rewarded. !99

After he finished saying these words with the person in front of him, even the people in front of him shouted excitedly: "Kill!

"Kill! 39


"Great Qin Wansheng!

The surging cries seemed to shock the world.

None of them were timid, and none of them flinched.

The two sides of the army soon fought together again.

The weeds on the plain seemed to be crawling for it, and after the fierce horses rushed to kill them, they bowed down reverently.

The wind is howling, and the thunder rolls the hob.

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