I! Great Qin Rui Beast, Q\u0026A About the Opening Luck

Chapter 433 The Disadvantage Is Obvious

Chapter 433 The Disadvantage Is Obvious

However, more and more Huns saw the benefits of riding and archery and followed suit.

As a result, a large number of Huns fled on horseback, but the Da Qin army who was watching over there was at a loss.

"They retreated?"

I could only hear a general in a hundred generals beside me wondering.

"Not right!"

After the bloody battle, Lan Tie shook his head after tearing off a piece of cloth with his mouth and tying the wound tightly, "They seem to be planning to use a new tactic to kill us. 99

"The Huns used to relied on the war horses under their crotch to kill us condescendingly. At that time, we thought it was nothing, but the angle was a little higher, but now when I really ride the war horse, I realize that the combat effectiveness of the war horse can be improved. Far from a star and a half. 95

As they slowly opened their mouths and said the words of 933, at that time, Lan Tie nodded in agreement and said, "That's right, their cavalry units are really powerful."

"But compared to our battle-hardened infantry team in Daqin, under the same conditions, as long as we also get the horses in our hands, they are not our opponents at all."

"Look at how many Huns died in the hands of our brothers when the fight just started. They are simply a group of paper tigers, playing blitzkrieg with us on the basis of the advantages of war horses. Now that we have war horses, we can Not our opponent.35

"What the general (bbcc) said is very true, and the brothers all agree!"

After he finished saying this, Lan Tie couldn't laugh at all, "But no matter what the Huns say, they are all people who grew up on horseback, and their riding skills are far better than those of us half barrels. Above the water, don't underestimate the enemy's carelessness."

"In my opinion, they escaped this time, not to retreat, but to switch tactics and use a new method to deal with us. 99

"Ha ha ha ha……"

"The Huns, who have always been strong and strong, are actually afraid of being beaten by us, hahaha!"

Accompanied by the cheerful laughter of the hundred generals, all the soldiers beside them also laughed on horseback one after another.

"From now on, we represent the iron cavalry of Daqin, brothers, pursue the victory, these Huns can't do anything about us, take this opportunity to kill them all!

With a general order, the Daqin soldiers who had the Huns' horses rushed forward one after another.


A roar fell, and the flying figures were in an endless stream, and the figures swept along with the wind, with an explosive sense of speed.

The deafening shouts came, and this small pioneer team of Daqin took the lead in attacking, with more than 20 soldiers behind them galloping to the first place on the battlefield.

The rumbling of the hooves was endless.

Under their pursuit, the Huns' horses showed extraordinary speed.

And this, even more, verified the idea that the Huns were afraid of being beaten.


"This opportunity will never come again!"

"All generals follow me, and quickly annihilate the enemy army!"

The flying blocks they ran seemed to be afraid that the enemy would run away.

However, at this time, something strange happened-

The Huns cavalry, who had been telling Mercedes-Benz for a long time, suddenly slowed down.

The Qin soldiers who were chasing even naively thought it was because their horses were exhausted from the repeated raids.

But they were wrong.

What they never expected was when they rushed up with high fighting enthusiasm and were about to put their machetes on the enemy's neck.

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