I! Great Qin Rui Beast, Q\u0026A About the Opening Luck

Chapter 435 Take photos and grab it right!

Chapter 435 Take photos and grab it right!

On a desolate ancient battlefield, there are corpses everywhere, but the army of Da Qin is still rushing to kill with the Huns.

This time, the Huns did not attack Daqin's army head-on as they used to, but rather slyly brushed past the Qin cavalry. When the latecomers caught up, they suddenly turned around and used heavy bows and arrows Shoot your opponent.

This kind of method similar to playing, "Nine Sanqi" made Qin Jun suffered a lot.

However, Lan Tie, a general in the Qin army, soon realized that something was wrong, "Stop!

"Stop chasing!"

"This is the enemy's trap!

Even in the past, the hundred generals of the Great Qin army had already warned everyone about the key point, but despite this, it still did not play any role.

Because the attack of the Huns was really too fast, although most of the Qin army were equipped with shields, at the critical moment, before they had time to pull them out, they were pierced and killed by unexpected sharp arrows.

Under General Lan Tie's stern roar, a large number of Qin soldiers realized the crux of the problem, and they reacted at that time, and no longer blindly pursued those Xiongnu soldiers.

However, soon, something unexpected happened to these Xiongnu elite cavalry. These Daqin cavalry, who had gained a considerable advantage in hacking and slashing, seemed to realize their intention at this moment, and they no longer pursued forward. half step.

Instead, it stopped in place at this time and formed a defensive formation.

This is also the advantage of the Qin army. They raised their shields and abandoned the crazy melee hacking attack method not long ago, and turned into a mode of on-the-spot defense without moving.

Although the current Daqin army said that its combat effectiveness was not worse than that of the opponent, or even a little bit stronger, it was an army that lost once.

Not long after the stalemate like this, many of Daqin's soldiers were greatly affected by the excessive charge just now.

Their hands and feet began to soften, and their hearts were trembling.

At this time, facing the large number of Huns in front of them, they could not help feeling a deep despair in their hearts.

The Huns attacked endlessly.

"It's not the way to hold on!"

"Brothers just go up and die like this?"

Seeing that the Daqin soldiers finally rode their robbed horses to attack the enemy, but fell one by one under the arrows in the hands of the Huns.

This hundred general is really sad.

"The original old fifth battalion obeys orders!"

He only heard him roar: "You are all the elites of the Daqin army. We, the old fifth battalion, can't just watch our own brothers die in the hands of their Huns so ignorantly."

"If they have horses, let's go grab the horses, they have bows and arrows, then we can still grab everything they have in their hands, and use them for us, in our own way, and return them to others. body! 35

"With its humanity, return its human body!

Immediately, the morale of the soldiers was boosted. 2.2

The soldiers of the old fifth battalion really stood up at this moment with tears in their eyes, because they knew that when they stood up at this moment, what the old senior meant was already clear at a glance.

The soldiers of Daqin suffered heavy casualties. In order to keep this last fighting force, these veterans had to choose the path of sacrificing themselves.

Whoosh whoosh!.

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