I! Great Qin Rui Beast, Q\u0026A About the Opening Luck

Chapter 427 The other side of the battlefield

Chapter 427 The other side of the battlefield

Following his order, the three of them quickly rushed up on fast horses.

The rumbling of the hooves was endless.

After galloping for a long time, they finally saw the horseshoe prints of the Huns, as well as the traces left by the food they ate when they were resting.

"Looks like it's very close.

"From where they are...

Liu Laosan said silently in his heart.

"Hope it's alright..."

So his legs kicked the horse's belly violently, chasing after him frantically.

On the other side, the blue iron.

The chaotic fighting did not stop.

They frantically blocked, and the Huns attacked like a flood.

Lan Tie, as the only general with effective command in this battle, was covered with scars of all sizes.

Now, the sun is setting.

The dazzling sunlight seemed to erode their lives all the time.

Today's pro-military infantry, even if they are injured, at least everyone has a powerful horse.

This is tantamount to a leap in combat effectiveness.

With the help of this good thing, they had the strength to fight against the Huns who were charging in front of them, and they rushed to kill at equal height and speed, and the final result was nothing but a lose-lose.

The Qin army no longer used spears and shields against the cavalry in groups of three or five, but instead used the advantages of the Huns to deal with themselves.

Of course, the Xiongnu camp could not get any good fruit to eat because of the Qin army's swearing-to-the-death fight.

This is especially true for those who are led by General Na Udi, who once threatened to destroy this remnant army of Qin within half an hour.

But now, he was stunned to see that the number of enemy troops was increasing, and faintly, although the cavalry team he led joined the battle, it obviously caused a great impact on the entire war situation.

The advantage is on your side.

But in the long run, it's a big disadvantage.

"General" "!

"Qin army, extremely cunning, actually, in groups of three or five, snatch our war horses..."

"In the past, we completely suppressed them, but now, it has become a rivalry. Every charge in the past can bring a lot of casualties and shock to the enemy, but now it is different. With us The Qin army after the warhorse also has dozens of people. They have the ability to launch an effective counter-charge against us. In addition, they are all desperadoes. Our cavalry has already suffered a big loss from them just now. There is no benefit at all!

"And blindly attacking, there is no obvious effect. There are Da Qin's remnants everywhere. Although they have been defeated and cannot be formed, in general, a huge number of people are scattered all over the place. If each of them has this kind of attack The consciousness of the horse, if we learn to do this, our number is really limited, and sooner or later all the horses will have to be handed over!

"..that's a fart?

"After the Xiongnu general finished saying this sentence with a sad face, General Udi's face suddenly turned black and ugly.

"They scramble for horses, are you all fools waiting for them to snatch them?"

"You won't run away and attack from afar?"


The Xiongnu general was speechless, "General Udi said it was very true, I was the fool to buy it."

"I will take my brothers to attack the pro-military again." (promised)

After saying these words, he soon led his soldiers again and charged towards the Qin army below.

General Udi was really embarrassed, but at this time there was news of bad luck next to him, "The big thing is bad, General, the troops that just rushed over were all defeated by the Qin army, and a large number of war horses were captured by them... "

"What did you say?"

General Udi looked at him in disbelief and asked, grabbing his collar, his eyes seemed to be overflowing with anger.

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