I! Great Qin Rui Beast, Q\u0026A About the Opening Luck

Chapter 428 Qin Qi has become a reality!

Chapter 428 Qin Qi has become a reality!

"Thousands, absolutely true!"

"General, they fled back, but only a few dozen people, a total of nearly 300 elite cavalry dispatched, all died tragically at the hands of the Qin army. 35


"Useless trash!

"This is just a remnant of an army that has been defeated by our large army. My dignified cavalry commander has nothing to do with them. 35

"The formation of the Qin army that was finally defeated, if the Qin army is allowed to continue to develop without restraint, I am afraid that all scattered rebels will be assembled by him, forming a sign of resurgence. It is absolutely necessary to guard against it. !35

"I once said that if you don't completely destroy this remnant army within half an hour, you will be punished by suicide.

"Now they are even more powerful. Is this God fighting against me?"

After General Udi finished saying these words, even a pair of hateful eyes stared straight at the leading general in the Qin army in front of him.

"Who is the general of the enemy army, have you inquired clearly?"

"Has anyone come forward to ask?

"He said that he was from the Daqin Mountains, Lan Tie!

"Blue Iron?"

"What a nobody, I've never heard of it."


"My dignified general of the Xiongnu, it is a great shame to be defeated by such a rising star of the Qin Dynasty!

"Kill me, send the remaining three thousand elite cavalry, let them eat and drink, get ready, go straight to the enemy army, and kill them all!

With a roar, it was quickly suppressed by a weak message.

Although the voice was weak, it was extraordinarily powerful. Because of the particularity of its content, all the senior Xiongnu generals present had to be shocked.

"The Qin army, the Qin army, did not retreat, let alone rest, after they defeated our army just now, they actually took the initiative to attack us!!!

"So fierce???"

"Is this still the normal Daqin military camp, this is simply a group of desperate lunatics fighting!"

"Why did our opponent suddenly become so violent?"

"Could it be because of the good command of the enemy general? 39

General Udi was completely stunned. He couldn't figure it out. At this time, how could the enemy have the strength to launch a counterattack against him? Isn't this courting death?

On his side are all the elite cavalry of the Xiongnu, and there are countless supplies of food and grass among them. Whether it is a blitzkrieg or a protracted war, they will not be his opponents.

In the end, he will become his own demon.

Unexpectedly, not only did they not collapse like they thought, but they have been supported by huge casualties. It seems that just wanting to consume, they can completely consume themselves and others. .

There are too many of them, and the consumption is high, but this time, there are too few elite Xiongnu people, almost one death is missing, and there is no way to continue the stalemate, otherwise, it will fall into an infinite loop and eventually collapse.

However, General Udi, who is very proud of himself, would never have imagined that when he raised his head and glanced at the Qin army's lineup, he couldn't help but cheer up.

"Da Qin!"


"Wan Sheng!"

Thousands of unorganized Daqin troops were mixed together, and the cavalry and infantry were united in one team, which was a threat from top to bottom, which was not a good thing for the Huns.

What made it even more difficult for him to accept was that the cavalry of Da Qin actually numbered nearly 2,000 people, and they had the ability to fight to the death with the Huns.

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