Chapter 426 The old battle flag

If no one sees them being loyal and filial to the country, then in this land of Daqin, they are still a pair of chaotic ministers, a pair of traitors, and they will be reviled by thousands of people, and they will never turn around.

There is no doubt that this great thing is great.

After saying these words, Zhang San and Li Si made way for Liu Lao San, and he, covered in armor, passed between the two.

Before he took two steps, Li Si looked at his back, who had not yet had time to go away.

"and many more!"

Liu Laosan turned around and looked at him suspiciously, "Everything that should be said has been said, is there anything else that has not been made clear? 35

Li Si took out a bamboo tube from his pocket and threw it into Liu Laosan's hand.

"This is?" 11

He looked at this thing suspiciously, a little light, as if there was nothing in it.

He raised his head and glanced at the latter, while slowly taking out a piece of cloth from the inside.

It is covered with holes, and the whole body is pitch-black, which is particularly abrupt under the sky. The golden dragon is in the banner, and it lacks arms and legs, adding a sense of tragic desolation.

"This is the flag of our soldiers in Liaoyuan County."

"On the day our city gate was broken, as a flag bearer, I always took it with me."

"Although this flag is riddled with holes, it is ultimately the sustenance of our soldiers in Liaoyuan County for their family and country feelings. Under it, there are countless soldiers and soldiers from Liaoyuan who fought on the battlefield, captured the heads of the enemy, and let the frontier Xiongnu. Don't dare to go south to make trouble.""

"Although we don't know how many of us are from far away in the Xiongnu camp, when those soldiers and soldiers from Liaoyuan in the past saw this banner, it was like seeing our hard military career in the past, and thinking of our comrades who died today. ."

"Although this flag is broken, its meaning is extraordinary."

"If you can carry this banner, enter the Xiongnu camp alone, and take the lead and swear to the death of the Savior, I am afraid that there will be no Qin people who will not be touched by this kind of national integrity..."

"Even if you know that you will die in the end, you can use your death to awaken the determination of many soldiers to die.

"Let them know that Daqin will always be there, and righteousness is not afraid of crookedness."

"Perhaps, the Huns would not have thought that the soldiers of Liaoyuan County, who had already surrendered, would defect to Daqin again.

"If it's more serious, let the disturbance spread to the frontal battlefield. The number of rebels from the six countries is large, and among them, the Liaoyuan and Liaodong counties have the largest number of troops, the strongest combat power, and the most decision-making power. The rebels in other counties and counties also obeyed their command. If they can be won back and become Da Qin's combat troops again, then I will be able to kill these Huns directly without waiting for reinforcements to arrive. No armor left."

"it is good.

Before leaving, Liu Laosan bowed his hands and thanked, "If you can successfully delay the evacuation of the first emperor of 920 until enough time to evacuate, you will be a great achievement when you wait for the two of them. 99

"If this can be done, you are the generals who will save the country in Daqin this time, not only can you save the soldiers from far away from death, but also make up for their mistakes and get reused.

"I don't say thank you for your kindness, if it wasn't for your advice to us, brother, I'm afraid that the two of us are still stuck in the quagmire without knowing it, and the more we struggle, the deeper we sink.

Zhang San said, "Let's go, brother."

"Hahaha, well, if you two friends help me, I will feel at ease."

"Let's go!


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