Chapter 419 Show Your Loyalty

After saying this, he immediately lost his temper. After all, no matter how he said it, he was already killed by himself, so why bother with a dead person, let alone this person is his enemy.

However, even though he was still unconvinced, he still had to admit that the situation was getting worse and worse. His comrades were dying and wounded. There were only a few of them. Another one was wounded, and after killing a few Xiongnu cavalry, he fell to the ground.


Spitting out a mouthful of saliva mixed with blood on the ground, he stared fiercely at the Huns not far away, went crazy, and rushed up with a knife.

"Master fought with you savages!-"

However, he said that at this moment, the third Liu, while his comrades were fighting hard, somehow, he was stained with blood, riding a fast horse, with two shields on his body, all tied to his body with ropes. There are at least three or four rough-long spears under it.

The sharp point of the gun pierced through the gap in the shield on his body and went outside, just like a "hedgehog", and his goal at this moment was to chase those who had bypassed the blocking of his comrades in front of him, and those who chased Zhao Zhao. General of the Huns.

That is, the "Yellow Sand Camp" led by Huyanchi


He would never have imagined that under such circumstances, such a thing would happen.


"Something is wrong!"

Accompanied by the exclamation of an attendant next to him, when even the person next to him said, "The people from that team in Daqin are catching up."


After the man beside him finished saying this, Huyanchi was surprised for a moment. He never expected that Daqin veterans with less than a dozen people would be able to break out and pursue them.

How many elites have he sent to block their way.

"How many people are here?"

After looking at it for a long time, he was stunned that he didn't see half of Qin Jun's shadow.

This is a bit strange, he couldn't help but ask.

A subordinate who reported the letter from the rear quickly said, "One person!"

"Again, how many people?"

Huyanchi's eyes widened, with a look of disbelief, and asked again: "How many people are here?"

"On a!"

"Really? 35


The messenger took his own life to ensure that the signal he conveyed was accurate.

Huyanchi was relieved, "Leave him alone and move on."

"Zhang San, Li Si, if you stay here, you are also the shrewd people in Daqin who took refuge in us, but, in order to show your loyalty, I have to ask you to confront this Daqin fool who is chasing us alone.

After he finished saying these words, when only two people in the army stood up, two people wearing black armor, they were really traitors in the Daqin army.

It seems that this time the Huns have broken through the Central Plains, even breaking through several checkpoints, and passing through several counties, the captured Daqin officers and soldiers are not a few, and there are countless defectors.

Zhang San and Li Si immediately agreed, "According to the order, the two of us must capture this person and let you deal with it.

"It's not necessary, just bring his head to meet him."

"Then we will capture him alive and cut off his head in front of you with our own hands!"

"Ha ha ha ha……

"As you go."

Huyan Chi looked at each other coldly, and even turned around and left the knife.

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