I! Great Qin Rui Beast, Q\u0026A About the Opening Luck

Chapter 420 The prince and general, would you rather have a seed?

Chapter 420 The prince and general, would you rather have a seed?

In his opinion, these two are the generals of the army stationed in the two counties of Daqin, and they should be excellent in martial arts. If he hadn't used countermeasures against them, it would have been difficult for tens of thousands of Xiongnu elites to fight if they really wanted to fight. Food consumption.

"Who is this person who can serve Da Qin to such an extent. 35

"In my opinion, what's so good about tyrannizing Qin? They keep saying that they will benefit the people of the world. In fact, "September 13" is to snatch the fat of the people and seek the blessings of the Qin nobles, leaving the people in dire straits. , died of starvation and exhaustion, with constant labor and misery.

"And the nobles of the Qin people are dressed in brocade and jade food, and they have enjoyed the glory and wealth..."

"I can't wait to eat the flesh and blood of the people in exchange for what they call the great cause of the world."

"What's even more irritating is that after taking the fruits of the blood and sweat of millions of people, where did he go to the millions of troops who destroyed the six countries?

"How can it be unreliable when it comes to this crisis?"

"So many Huns invaded and entered the border, and even broke several city barriers. It is enough to see that the so-called Great Qin Empire has always been dissatisfied with the people's hearts, the people's hearts are not divided, and they have done all the dirty things in the world, which led to the fall from heaven. Misfortune is unbearable.

"And this time the Huns broke through the border and went south, and they followed the will of God to attack the Qin thieves. We, such as those with discerning eyes, can see more clearly, although the Huns' army seems to be nothing more than a sharp arrow, the successor is weak, and they are at a disadvantage. , Once the troops from all over the Qin army arrive, they will be completely finished."5

"But this sharp arrow will completely penetrate the heart of the Qin army, and in one fell swoop, it will take down the Qin people's country, and it will be owned by the Huns.

"The new khan of the Xiongnu, Huyanchi, although decisive in killing, treats his people kindly. With his benevolent governance, he can even accommodate us generals who have surrendered to the Qin Dynasty, and give high officials and generous salaries. This is compared to the harsh punishment of the Qin people. Isn't it a thousand years old? A rare Lord?'

"Although Qin ended the chaotic situation in which the six feudal vassals were divided into kings, it brought endless sufferings to the people of the world, tortured them, and they were just a means to stabilize the country.

'Hu Hai, the son of the Zhao clan of the Qin emperor, acts indiscriminately every day and every night, but he can control the punishment and not be bound by the law of the king. Is that how it should be?"

"Prince and general, would you rather have a seed?"

"Are these people who were born in the nobles of the palace, are they born superior to others?"

"Are they born, are they noble?

Zhang Sanyi said with indignation, but he was heartbroken and wished to destroy the entire Qin Dynasty immediately.

Li Si, who was beside him, understood his anger very well.

Because he knew very well that Zhang San, who joined the army together at the beginning, should have received credit, but when he retired, he was wrongly accused of collaborating with the enemy. Or because the king did not take the pawn seriously, his leg was cut off and his tongue was dug out.

The cruel punishment is unacceptable.

Now, a good-looking person has become a dumb, a lame, and a cripple.

Although still alive, it is no different from dead.

Just a few days ago, when the Huns had not yet attacked the 2.2 and entered the Liaoyuan defense line, the tortured comrade-in-arms threw himself into a well.

The reason was because his wife disliked him, found another man behind his back, sold his son, and ran away with the money. In the end, sad and angry, he dragged his mutilated body directly into the well and drowned.

After the villagers heard the news, they were deeply shocked and shocked. Since then, they all feared the princes and nobles, and looked forward to them as their leaders, and they were extremely ignorant.

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