Chapter 418

The defensive capabilities of the Daqin veterans are simply top-notch, especially those like them who have survived a large-scale war for a long time, their life-saving skills must be among the best.

The armor on the body and the knife in his hand, how to block the opponent's knife attack, almost all the routines have been clearly figured out, and through continuous practice and continuous improvement, it can now be called a consummate skill, extremely skilled.

Now, several Huns are out of strength, and the frequency of their attacks has slowed down.

Don't look at these cavalry charge, killing the Qin army and fleeing, the saber's power is indeed ferocious, but the shortcomings of the 910 are also easy to highlight.

In the age of cold weapons, the power of a saber depends on its weight. The bigger and heavier the saber, it is often able to kill an enemy with one blow.

The stamina of horses is limited, and the hit rate is almost 100%, but if it is really time to charge and kill the enemy with a single sword, then the advantages of cavalry will be lost.

Not only does it have no deterrent effect that frightens the enemy, but it also makes the enemy rise up and fight back.

In fact, in the real cavalry battlefield, often the first charge has already determined the success or failure of the entire war.

This is no joke, it is true.

If they can't shock the opponent's morale in the first round of charging, and then exhaust their stamina in the following rounds of charging, then what will be followed by the cavalry will be disaster.

Although the sabers of the Huns are powerful, they are also very heavy because of their heavy weight. Generally, they have to rest for a while after wielding two or three sabers.

And it was for this reason that the old soldier Yong of the Qin army had his nose as sensitive as a dog. During this interval, the shield suddenly opened, and the whole person was exposed to the sight of the Xiongnu cavalry.

The Xiongnu's eyes suddenly widened. In surprise, he raised his head frantically, but he didn't have time to react. Daqin Bingyong also implemented the (bbcc) "one-hit kill" fighting concept, a long spear, He directly and spared no effort to pierce the chest of the Xiongnu cavalry.

Big win.

Immediately afterwards, the big Qin soldier climbed up on the Huns' horse, picked up their saber, and said, "Hahaha, the horses raised by the Huns are wild and crazy. Laozi likes this kind of condescending horse. Feel!"

"Brothers, kill with me!"

When he finished saying this, he suddenly slanted, and a heavy saber whizzed past. Even if he tried his best to dodge, he could not avoid being hurt by it.

With this knife, the Daqin veteran's ear was cut off directly, and then with one knife, the head of the warhorse under his crotch was directly dented in more than half.

Due to this huge force, the warhorse slanted down, and Daqin Bingyong also fell. The Huns were about to rush up on the warhorse, as if they wanted to trample him alive.

But this Qin Bingyong waved his saber, and directly stabbed his warhorse to raise his hooves with a howl, and the Huns also fell off their horses, covering their bodies and groaning.

Seeing this scene, he even rushed up, instead of fighting together, he took out a sharp dagger, like the fangs of a snake, and with a puff, the opponent's life was solved.

"Damn, dare to hurt you Laozi me?"

"It's really looking for death!"

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