Chapter 417 Calm Veteran

Some people are loyal to serve the country, but some people defect to the enemy and betray the country.

How ironic!

Those who betray their country and seek glory are really hateful and have no national integrity.

Of course, perhaps in the eyes of these people, the so-called national integrity is nothing but a piece of paper, sticking to the old rules.

Because only real things can change their status quo and make their lives better.

Faith, in their eyes, is just a tool. Once the resources are not beneficial to them, no matter how good the faith is, it can be discarded at will.

Times can create heroes, but they can also create villains.

Environment is the biggest factor that affects a person.

It is like the Qin Dynasty rebel soldier that Zhao Wugen trusted very much. Although he is also a veteran of hundreds of battles, he is especially glib, cunning and cunning. Although both sides are unflattering, for his own long-term interests, he is even willing to betray the country and seek glory, and he will betray his own internal affairs. The chaotic Daqin army brought in the encirclement that the Huns had already set up.

This kind of behavior is really disgusting.

It is a pity that only Zhao Wugen and his subordinates knew about his behavior. Those brave soldiers might not be able to escape the battlefield alive. disaster.

Not only to make him notorious in the world, but also to make him, under Jiuquan, unable to face his relatives and elders...

This is the fate of the traitor.

This kind of person is the most hateful existence anyway.

This is true for both Da Qin and the Huns.

"Old Zhuang, are you alright?" "?"

During the bloody battle, Liu Laosan, covered in blood, struggled to lift up a comrade-in-arms with a knife and asked.

"It's okay, two fingers were chopped off, small problem!"

I saw that the old soldier Yong, whose eyebrows were a little white, sucked the blood from the severed finger with his mouth, and then swallowed it with one mouthful, while opening a mouthful of stained teeth, he said, "My lord, I am just right, I am thirsty. Now, drink your own blood, don't waste it!"


Seeing him gulp down the blood from the wound on his hand, Liu Laosan widened his eyes and stared straight at him.


"It's hard to drink."

After all, he still couldn't resist the smell of blood, "Master is full, continue to kill the enemy!"

Following his order, he quickly stood up with a knife and shouted to the brothers around him, "Kill! 35

Liu Laosan felt a burst of grief in his heart, knowing that this time, he would not be able to go back.

But he thought that even if he died, he had to die.

These brave soldiers who fought hard are all Daqin veterans older than their qualifications. They have experienced hundreds of battles, and Daqin's black dragon flag has long been deeply branded in their hearts.

Faith is firm and unshakable like a rock.

They were fighting against the ferocious Huns in front of them like a sand trap, hovering on the edge of danger, and because of their advanced age, they almost exerted all their strength in the fight, so as to be able to persuade (Nuo) to keep up with the rhythm of the defense.

Step by step, slowly block the opponent's rapid and frequent attacks.

This result is also obvious.

At the beginning, these Huns, who were eager for merit and irritable, naively thought that they had no offensive power and no threat.

But the further back I got, the more I felt something was wrong, the more I wanted to kill them, the less I could kill them.

Even if they don't attack, he can't hurt them one bit.

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