Chapter 399

Furthermore, he is also a leader of a thousand people, with more than three years of experience in the army, and has always been a leader in the military camp. Even if he encounters the powerful Huns, he still has the strength to fight.

No matter how hard it is, the ability to fight to the death can still be done.

Of course he was right.

Suddenly, a knife slashed over and hit him on the shoulder~, really caught off guard.

With a bang, accompanied by a powerful force, he fell to the ground.

However, he was not to be outdone, and at the moment when he finally fell, he violently punched the man in the face.

The black cloth on the Xiongnu general's face soon fell off because of this.

Suddenly, his sinister yet familiar face appeared in front of Zhao Wugen.


"How could you?"

He was clearly admonishing himself to go to Xianyang to seek reinforcements, but he didn't expect that in the end, he would turn to the Huns and help them to counterattack the Daqin army?


"Thanks for the compliment!"

"As I said in my words, the reason why Daqin is strong is precisely because of our bloody soldiers who fought with the enemy with a knife and a shot, how many people died, and every battle was difficult. , I can survive, it's already amazing."

"But you know, I was fighting for the country of Daqin just like you at first, but then my concept changed."

"Do you still remember General Li Xin when he conquered Yan State?"

'In the battle of destroying the country, the Yan army swore to defend the city, and sent me in as a local soldier, risking my life to open the city gate and let the Qin army in.

"But I almost lost my life. I was beaten and fainted. But when I woke up, all the credit was given to an unknown person. I tried to reason, but because that boy belonged to General Li Xin. The soldiers, just wanting to covet this reward, took away what should have belonged to me and gave it to someone else...

"In the end, I still want to put the benefits in the hands of my own people. In this case, no matter who it is in the hands, it will be my own profit. The scheming and tricks of the Qin people are really powerful. I feel ashamed, but the arrival of the Huns, Let me see an opportunity."5

"All of them are warriors from the grasslands. They are strong in combat and straightforward in character. I like their simple way of life. These are the reasons for my betrayal."9

・・Ask for flowers・


"How dare you go against Da Qin? 33

"What ecstasy soup did the Huns give you, and you want to help them like this?"

Zhao Wugen shouted angrily at the renegade Daqin veteran in front of him, at least because of this familiar face, Zeng Jin was also a teacher who helped him with advice, but now he has become this virtuous, bowing his head to the Huns.


Zhao Wugen snorted coldly, and looked at him with contempt, "A pair of soft bones!

"Thief of the State!"

"After you go back, your family and your ancestors will all be executed, and the emperor will definitely give you evil retribution...

"Don't bother.

"I am helpless and an orphan, my parents have gone west when I joined the army more than ten years ago, and they have not lived to this day at all.

"It's just a few of you. If I hadn't acted on my own will, I'm afraid you would have already died under the scimitars of the Huns."

"Don't bother!

Zhao Wugen snorted coldly: "Our mission is to stand firm and wait for assistance. As long as reinforcements from the direction of Xianyang arrive, none of you will be able to escape." Knife.

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