Chapter 400

The old Qin rebels quickly said: "Maybe we really can't escape alone, maybe when Daqin's reinforcements arrive, we will be self-defeating."5

"But, you won't have the chance to see that day."

"Because today, the old man will behead you all under the horse!


The Qin rebels quickly kicked the horse's stomach, leading the elite cavalry squad that belonged to him, and the horse "Nine Zero Zero" galloped over.


"I'm going to kill him with my own hands!

Zhao Wugen was furious, and his anger filled every corner of his chest.

At this moment, it was as if he was entangled in something, and there was nothing else in his mind except to kill the traitor in front of him.

"Damn it, he has surrendered to the enemy. No wonder the Huns' cavalry followed wherever we went. It turned out to be his masterpiece. With such a big traitor by his side, it is inevitable that so many bizarre things will happen. 39

"Everyone will focus on their goals later, and try to open an opening for me and the First Emperor, so that we can break out of the encirclement!

"Don't worry, everyone, as long as I send the emperor to the safe area behind Xianyang immediately, I will definitely turn around and we are going out?"

After he finished saying these words, even the generals in front of him were full of anger.

"It's a shame that I believed in such a veteran soldier who had experienced many battles before, but we never imagined that a good soldier who was still supporting our strategy of dividing our forces in the past would turn to the enemy in a blink of an eye, which is really unacceptable. ""

"If he falls into my hands, it will never make them feel pain."


Zhao Wugen carried the Great Qin Emperor on his back and directly took the lead, killing him with the Great Qin rebels.

The knives collided, and the sparks shot in all directions.

He used all his strength with every knife, but because he had been out of food for so long and had been fighting for nearly a day, his body was already exhausted, and he had more than enough to benefit from.

The tiger's mouth was cracked, and a lot of blood flowed from the seam of the hand.


Another mouthful of blood spewed out of his mouth.

Next to Zhao Wugen, there was another knife mark exposed outside.

He was already physically weak, and the First Emperor on his back was overwhelmed by the pressure on him, more and more scars on his body, and blood kept flowing out, overdrawing his energy.

Today, even his eyes are full of blood, and he has almost lost his mind.


But soon the second round of the Daqin rebels attacked again.


Two dark arrows shot out from an unknown corner of the battlefield, and directly plunged into the body of the Qin rebels. While delaying their offensive, two more arrows appeared on their bodies inexplicably.

A mouthful of blood spat out of his mouth.

His face was full of pain, and he slammed his chest again, swallowing the blood that poured out of his mouth into his stomach.

In order to survive, he had to kill the person in front of him, the emperor of Da Qin.

Not for anything else, but for myself, my family and clan.

Kill him to silence him.

The reason for killing the first emperor was to protect his family 2.2. After all, although he could live well on the Xiongnu side, his family still lived in Daqin. If the news of the rebellion spread to Daqin, then according to Daqin's law Law, they will never survive.

Now that you have chosen to do this, you must carry out this matter to the end, even if it is a mistake.

Even if he knew that doing so was treasonous, there was no turning back for him.

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