I! Great Qin Rui Beast, Q\u0026A About the Opening Luck

Chapter 398 Falling into the enemy's hands

Chapter 398 Falling into the enemy's hands

With an order, the Xiongnu cavalry rushed into the battlefield like a tide.

The veterans of Daqin's rebellion were the first to bear the brunt, acting as the vanguard, rushing to kill with big swords.

The crowd didn't notice anything.

Zhao Wugen and others are still laborious to protect themselves, let alone too much. In the chaos, no one noticed his appearance.

However, the Qin army rebels on this side are cunning and cunning. He knows that what he is doing now is a capital crime of betrayal. If he is discovered, he will only die.

Therefore, instead of sitting still, it is better to act resolutely and kill all those who are unfavorable to him.

The Xiongnu generals just now gave him this ability. The Huns around him are all brave and good at fighting. As long as 900 make good use of these factors, I believe that annihilating the group of Zhao Wugen in front of him in a short period of time should not be a big problem.

He was right in thinking, and doing this was indeed done once and for all.

But he ignored one point, that is, the Emperor of Qin is now on Zhao Wugen's back. Even if Zhao Wugen is incompetent, he is still young and lacking in ability. The soldiers of the Black Ice Platform did not take action on it either.

On the contrary, at this critical moment, he still had to rely on him, so that the first emperor could have the hope of escaping.

Young generals, high-spirited, eager to make contributions, this is not a rare thing, but on the other hand, it proves the bravery of Daqin's new generals.

In other words.

The safety of the emperor is the first and the foundation of the whole country.

Therefore, by the side of the First Emperor, there are countless Black Ice Platform personnel protecting him secretly. Even on this battlefield, there are countless open guns and secret arrows. Anyone who is suspicious will be killed.

However, it was obvious that the Daqin veterans who had defected to the Xiongnu camp would not think about it so much. Even if they brought a pair of elites, about a dozen or three, they came galloping.

"Enemy attack!"


Whoosh whoosh!

Soon Zhao Wugen took a step back with the First Emperor on his back, and four or five shields quickly appeared in front of him, resisting the war horse in front of him.

In the blink of an eye, four or five sharp spears sprang out from the gap (bbcc) of the shield, as if a poisonous snake had come out of a hole, and the Huns who were killed were caught off guard and hurriedly fell to the ground.

Four or five spearheads directly wiped out the two Xiongnu elite cavalry.

They were tragically killed by sharp spears and fell off their horses.

Of course, a few people escaped by chance and turned around again. Just as the Qin army lifted their shields to observe the enemy's situation, the long swords in their hands roared along with the screams of the war horses.


A knife fell.

The Xiongnu elite cavalry, who paid attention to "one blow kills", directly broke through the Qin army's shield formation.

The second and third Xiongnu cavalry rushed over immediately.

Facing the condescending Xiongnu soldiers, the soldiers of the Qin Dynasty were afraid to avoid them and could not fight at all. In addition, the sunlight was dazzling, and on the dark and noisy battlefield, the eyes could not see, and the ears could not hear clearly. One knife cut seven meat and eight elements.

There is no way, this is the advantage of cavalry over infantry, it is a natural enemy, and it is also a point of mutual restraint between two different arms.


"Escort! 95

The soldiers around Zhao Wugen shouted heartbreakingly. In fact, Zhao Wugen was also very puzzled, why these people always surrounded him and never left.

Even if it is to protect the emperor's integrity, there is no need to protect himself like this, right?

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