Chapter 397 Hell on Earth

As soon as the order was given, all Da Qin soldiers rushed up, entangled with the enemy army.

The beast's dying counterattack is often more ferocious than ever.

What's more, in this mortal situation, if they don't continue to charge forward, they will also have a dead end.

"Bump out!"

"Even if we die, we will die at the door of the house. We must not let the brothers in the city look down on us!"

Zhao Wugen opened his mouth and said, soon, a large number of the remaining remnants of the army rushed into the battlefield with him, struggling to bite the Xiongnu cavalry.

If you look at it from the top down, it is like a stream of sewage has been discharged into the sea. Even if it is blackened for a while, it will eventually be swallowed up by the infinite sea and lose its vitality.

They don't want to die, but because they want to live, they must die and live.

In fact, life is often like this, living without risk is no different from dying.

The fighting was brutal and unbearable to witness.

This is not the place to be.

If there are two words to describe this scene, I am afraid there is only one word, and that is "hell"

Hell is empty, the devil is in the world.

This is really not wrong.

The soldiers of the Qin Dynasty fought hard to kill the enemy, but their bodies were like balloons filled with blood, and they were slashed everywhere by the sharp blades of the Xiongnu cavalry.

The Xiongnu cavalry had no advantage in any way, but they were turned on their backs by the red-eyed soldiers led by General Lan Tie who slashed wildly.

The two sides are aggressive and each does not give in.

In the chaos, Zhao Wugen led one of his elite soldiers to take the opportunity to escape.

And after seeing him slashing to death the Huns who were tearing up the enemy army with two knives, he could only see him hunched over, carrying Shi Huangdi on his back, and evacuated away from the battlefield.

"Want to run?"

When a Hun man saw this, he turned around, but was directly stabbed from behind by Zhao Wugen's guard.

The Xiongnu man's eyes could not wait to stand out and scare everyone to death, but after all, this was on a murderous battlefield, and a dead person was no different from a dead ant.

Human life is like a mustard, and it is not too much to use here.

However, it was precisely because of the death of the Huns that the Qin rebels who had not participated in the war and had been staying in the rear watched in the eyes.

"This, if this is caught by Zhao Wugen, I will definitely die!

He thought about turning around, and soon he wanted to turn around, to hide and avoid this person.

Unexpectedly, he heard a Xiongnu lieutenant next to him sneered: Since the old gentleman has chosen to help us Huns deal with Daqin, he needs to show his loyalty. But what our khan wants to see is not the flattering words you usually say when you bow your head to your court, but what interests you the most is whether you dare to face your old boss openly..."


After finishing speaking (Nuo's), he handed him a knife.

This old Qin Dynasty soldier who had betrayed his eyes wrinkled, and after hesitating for a while, when he only saw that he took the sharp knife and held it in his hand, it was heavy, and his heart seemed to be down.

With a sharp wave of his knife, he pointed sharply at Zhao Wugen and the others who were about to escape, "That general of the Qin army is young and vigorous, although he is not greedy for life and fear of death, but his talents are sparse and not to be feared. Then, everyone follows me and rushes to kill together!"

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