Chapter 396 Dilemma

Everyone looked at him helplessly, and even raised their weapons, swords, knives, spears, miscellaneous, everything.

"Blood battle to the end!"

Someone shouted.

Looking at this scene, Lan Tie was instantly moved, "You, you are all loyal and righteous people of Da Qin, you will not lose Da Qin, and Da Qin will never lose you!

"If we die here, it will be considered a great achievement. The emperor will definitely treat our family well and protect them from worries."

"Good! 35

"No need to say more, General!

"With your order, even if we are smashed to pieces, 11 will rush up without hesitation and bite the enemy to death."

The soldiers below shouted angrily.

"Kill the Huns! 35

"keep us safe!

The roaring shouts were mixed with the sound of horses' hooves rushing from the Xiongnu army, making the whole world feel like it was boiling.

It's like pouring a pot of hot water into a country's hot oil.


The two sides were soon at war.

The soldiers of the Qin army fell one by one...

Lan Tie fought hard, but his fists were no match for the four hands. What's more, there were not only four hands to face on this battlefield, but countless cold arrows and spears were waiting for him.

No matter how superb his martial arts might be, he still can't compare to the superiority in numbers of others. In the battlefield, he is often in a state of isolation and there is no way to change the disadvantaged situation, but as the main general participating in the war, in such a situation It's actually pretty good to be able to do this when there's nothing at all.

Even the famous generals of the Qin state like Bai Qi and Wang Jian couldn't be compared with them. This was the first time in history that less wins more with less.

However, behind them, there were bursts of crying.

Zhao Wugen and the Da Qin soldiers behind him all shed tears when they saw that they fought hard one by one, but suffered countless casualties, because they did not want to see this cruel scene happen in front of them.

But often things backfired, and they could only witness this cruel scene with their own eyes.


"Lan Tie, you are really a good general of Da Qin..."

"But what are you working so hard for?"

Zhao Wugen's eyes were red as he looked at them fighting in the distance.

But even though they struggled so hard, they still did not see a glimmer of hope. The dense crowd did not have any openings at all.

The siege of the enemy still worked for them.

As a result, what they did, but the battle of the trapped beasts, had long since lost its meaning, and had simply become a struggle to kill time.

It will be over sooner or later.

Not only that, they have no way out now.

If he retreats again, the first emperor's life will be in worry. God knows how much the poison on the Huns' arrows will affect him. This is the king of a country. If there is any hidden danger in the future, the consequences are really unbearable.

Suddenly there was the sound of horses' hooves falling from behind, and when I looked back, I saw nothing else, just the Huns cavalry who were ambushing from both sides.

They rushed in quickly, they were weak and weak, and they were surrounded by enemies on all sides.

With a squeak, Zhao Wugen pulled out the long sword in his hand and pointed directly in the direction of Lan Tie in front, "Brothers, advancing and retreating is a dead end, it is better to fight to the end, join me and fight with General Lan! "5

"Open a bloody way out!


After hearing his command, the soldiers of the Qin people rushed up one by one as if they were dying.

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