I! Great Qin Rui Beast, Q\u0026A About the Opening Luck

Chapter 383 Strategies to Suppress the Enemy

Chapter 383 Strategies to Suppress the Enemy

"If they hadn't retreated, imagine that we are the elites of the Huns now, and we have nearly 600,000 rebels from the Six Nations on hand. It's like we already have the capital to fight against the Qin Dynasty, and the distance from the capital is broken. It’s not too far away, under such circumstances, you are the common people of the occupied counties, under coercion and inducement, will you choose to help them or swear to die for the country?”

"If you swear to die for the country, you won't get any compensation, help them, and maybe you can reap benefits. People who are extremely poor are terrible, especially those who have no food and are about to starve to death. At this time, he can eat anything. Next, including their own daughters and children.

"Don't talk about a string of copper coins, even a steamed bun can make him 893 pick up a knife and fight for his life.""

"Not to mention the internal and external troubles in Daqin now. If they know that the people in Daqin are also in dire straits because of natural disasters, and they are in a dilemma, they can only follow the Xiongnu and attack as a peasant army, which will become another trouble for Daqin. ."

"So now, those of us in the back of the city must also deal with the disasters in the whole world. In this way, even in the year of catastrophe, the people can have food to eat, and even if the plague is rampant, they can breathe a sigh of relief. No one will die, and there is no reason to rebel at all. With this alone, the people who have been destroyed by the city will be able to see the goodness of the Qin Dynasty, even if they have a rebellion, Then you have to think about it, is it worth it?”

"So, this minister thinks that it is really inappropriate for the First Emperor to go on a personal expedition."

"Father's imperial expedition is for the purpose of personally attending the battle, demoralizing the enemy's morale, and enhancing the prestige of the Daqin army. If this is not the case, then you say, in the face of many soldiers outside the city who have repeatedly underestimated the enemy and have been defeated, what should we do? "

"The minister thought that without moving a single soldier or a single soldier, they would be able to make their army of the Six Nations return, and the Xiongnu elite cavalry would cause a great disaster.35

"The armies of the six countries are not weak, the country was destroyed because of the powerful weapons of the Daqin, and now they have joined the Daqin military camp and then rebelled, and they have obtained the weapons, and their combat power is incomparable. The valuable experience of sharp weapons, the two together, can be said to be a powerful alliance, and the underestimation of the enemy by the soldiers of the Qin Dynasty will always cause great disasters.

"All in all, the rebels of the Six Nations and the Huns are all defeated generals of Da Qin. No matter how stupid they are, they will never be stupid to challenge the powerful Da Qin, but this time they came uncharacteristically. This shows that what?"

"It means they are ready!

"When normal people face the attack of others, the first thing they think of is to use their own way, and also to their own body. Of course, the first emperor also thought so. Well, he vigorously set off with hundreds of thousands of troops. Now, what happened, hit the enemy's ambush. 55

"The minister thought that if there was still a chance to rescue the first emperor, he should never send a large army to attack, but instead sent troops to camp in a valley about forty miles from Xianyang City, and set up three lines of defense to resist the Xiongnu's southward attack. pace, then stabilize the internal situation and restore the supply of forage.35

"Although there are many armies of the Six Nations, the number of troops of nearly 600,000 troops is a terrifying figure. If the nearly 100,000 Xiongnu cavalry are added there, the lives of the common people will only become more and more difficult. , On the other hand, on our side, we have plenty of food and clothing, and the soldiers continuously obtain food from the rear city. Moreover, among these soldiers, there are many soldiers from the six countries in Xianyang City. They originally knew the border guards, but In order to ensure the stability of the country and prevent them from forming a party and causing chaos, the first emperor deliberately divided them into different areas to garrison, as long as this goes on, it is no longer a problem for them to persuade their brothers to surrender."

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