Chapter 382 See through the situation

"I was barely making ends meet, but because of the frequent wars, I paid food taxes and donated food to the army. Some normal areas are fine, but in this catastrophic area, if something like this happens, I'm afraid there will be a large-scale rebellion. It happened because the people really had nowhere to go."

After he finished saying these words, the Yin Man in front of him was stunned for a while, "You're right, no matter what time you have to take into account the life and death of the common people, each of them has very low requirements, but together, It's a huge burden..."

[If the Qin Dynasty cannot feed them, then the existence of this court will lose its meaning, it will have to be overthrown, and a regime that can feed them will have to be established smoothly and properly. The common people in ancient times did not The sense of risk only knows how to let those princes and nobles fight to win the world, abide by the way of the common people, and evade official powers, so that they who have not known how to fight for hundreds of years are living a very useless and aggrieved life. 】

[They have embraced emperors from generation to generation, and it can be said that they have seen all kinds of monarchs, but there are only a handful of military lords who love the people. The kings of the past dynasties regarded these common people as grass-roots, pariahs, and did not take their lives seriously, but in the end, the people who destroyed their dynasties, after all, are still these common people, directly or not.

Indirectly or indirectly, here is all the wisdom to govern the world. 】

[There have been countless lessons from the past, and we must not go the wrong way again. 】

Hearing Bai Hei thinking like this, Yin Man could no longer speak to refute anything, so he sighed and said, "Well, at least you say it now, at least you can be careful in advance.

"Princess is really holy.""

"You go on.

Yin Man pointed and spoke slowly.

Shen Wansan didn't hide anything this time, "This minister just made an assumption that a large number of troops from the Six Nations betrayed, threw themselves into the enemy's camp, and became the vanguard of the Huns' attack on our Daqin territory. 600,000, assembled the rebels of the six countries in Liaodong, Liaoxi, and Daijun and the second prefecture, and now they have turned their heads, and all of them have penetrated into our interior.35

"This knife is deeply pierced. When the knife comes in, it is about to enter the heart of the Qin Dynasty. This is also our second misjudgment. When they heard the news, no matter who they were, they were stunned by anger. , How could the mighty Qin Dynasty be defeated by such a defeated general? So the soldiers in the army were furious, and they hurriedly assembled a large army and went out to face the battle. Countless human and material resources were wasted in vain.35

"..because most people only see the surface, whether it is the first emperor or those soldiers who are passionate about protecting their homeland and country, they only know how to repel the current front line and pull factories, and they are determined (Qian Nuo) The Huns and the rebels of the Six Kingdoms, but they did not consider the rear at all.99

"The cities occupied by the Huns are equivalent to their territory, at least temporarily, so the common people in these cities, will Daqin abandon them?"

"This is still a conservative estimate. If there are good men among the Huns, they will win people's hearts. Even if they retreat this time, these ordinary people will be the foreshadowing of their chaos again in the future."

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