I! Great Qin Rui Beast, Q\u0026A About the Opening Luck

Chapter 384 Surrounding but not suppressing, waiting for chaos

Chapter 384 Surrounding but not suppressing, waiting for chaos

"The big cake that the Huns gave them was just a verbal promise, but we Daqin can directly give good treatment, at least they can't get it, and it happens that they need it, so whether they return to Daqin or continue to support the Huns Woolen cloth?"

"The local people will give them a good answer."

"After all, even in the period of the Six Kingdoms, no vassal state said that it had gathered the forces of the northern grassland peoples in order to unify the world. If there was any suspicion, they would be surrounded and attacked.99

"And they've already lost their country and have no one to support them, so where did the food and grass come from?"

"It can only be scraped from the body of the common people, then they will lose the support of the common people."

"At this time, it is possible to completely defeat this rebel army without using a single soldier or soldier in Xianyang of Daqin. Therefore, the minister thought that, with the strong economic strength of Daqin, they would only fight. the reckless man. 35

"In time, this battle can be won."

"Why do you need to send troops to exterminate these Huns for the sake of the so-called invisible and intangible great power and heavenly power, and to be scolded by the people?"

"In other words, as long as Daqin soldiers are good at fighting, the rebels of the Six Nations and the Huns will have to unite in order to fight against Daqin soldiers. In this case, it will be a hard-bone and difficult to deal with. .""

[Not bad, although I don’t know the military, but this abacus is really fascinating. It’s simple, and it tells the pain points and the key-key! 】

【It’s a good thing to surround yourself without suppressing it, something I didn’t even think of, but Shen Wansan, you have thought of it. You are indeed a shrewd businessman. With you as the Minister of the Household, I haven’t missed it!】

【But you are also wrong. There was a suggestion that you didn’t even know to say it earlier, but you didn’t say it until Da Qin lost so much manpower. Also a hero. 】

Yin Man was too lazy to pay attention to Bai Zhi's thoughts, so she said to the Shen Wansan in front of her: "You have a good idea, but you didn't say it earlier, why is this?"

However, Shen Wansan shook his head and said: "The minister's position is the Ministry of Household, he is only clever and able to calculate, he does not know how to lead troops to fight, and the art of fighting a field army, so the minister is stupid. For this, I hope Her Royal Highness will forgive her sins."

· · Flowers ·

Yin Man snorted coldly, "You're a good aftermath."

"If it's a little bit later, maybe Daqin..."

"God bless Da Qin!

Shen Wansan blurted out.

Yin Man sighed, "Forget it.

"With the fire gun, your strategy of encircling but not suppressing will give full play to your strengths. Now, as long as you send someone to report and let the army withdraw, everything will be carried out as you said, and this Hun army must be destroyed. He died outside the city of Xianyang.

"The minister obeys.

After Shen Wansan finished saying these words, he retreated.


At this time, suddenly there was an urgent report from outsiders.

This man was wearing a battle armor, but he was in a hurry, and he was flustered between words, and fell directly to the ground.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, he was caught in the enemy's plan to move the tiger away from the mountain, and he was surrounded by a heavy siege, with no good generals by his side, and, in a coma, the army had already collapsed and was in jeopardy.


Inside the lobby, everyone was shocked by the knife.

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