Chapter 381 Offensive Words

After reporting these things, Shen Wansan did not quit first, but stood there as usual and did not quit.

"Why don't you go back?

Yin Man looked back at him in surprise.

"Sir, there is one more thing to report."

"about what?"

"About, the war outside Xianyang City.

Yin Man paused, came to the spirit, turned his head and looked at Bai Hei.

[Allow him to say. 】

Yin Man nodded.

"Outside the city of Xianyang, the war was raging, Da Qin sent hundreds of thousands of troops, but they were defeated repeatedly, and the armies of the six countries betrayed the enemy.

"In this way, the cost of Daqin's national strength is the loss of Daqin's people's heart.

"If this is the case for a long time, but the Huns are not exterminated, the people's hearts will be lost, the people will suffer, and the disaster of the Huns will only expand, because the people can't even eat a bite of food, so who will be the emperor of today? , what does it matter?"

"If even the people of our Daqin capital surrender to the enemy, then the national fortune will be completely ruined, Daqin, I am afraid that they will die in one lifetime!"

"What did you say?

"Bold! 35

With an angry shout, Princess Yinman was looking at him with a serious expression.

"To actually say these disrespectful words in front of this princess?

No one can stand it.

If he can bear it, he will surely be another sage.

"Come here, according to the laws of Daqin, if you produce reactionary words, you will be punished for your tongue.

Yin Man really can't bear other people's bad words about Da Qin. How can I say that this is all the land that was brought down by the father and emperor. How can Shen Wansan say such words in front of him?

【Daqin's current situation is critical, and if you handle it improperly, it is very easy for the situation he said to happen, and the advice is hard to hear!】

Shen Wansan also said at this time, "Princess Yinman, this minister made a slip of the tongue and told the truth, please forgive me."

"However, the minister has also said that this is the truth, whether you accept it or not, it is a real thing, and there is no falsehood. 39

"I dare you to think about it carefully, General Meng Tian is one of the most powerful generals in the Qin army. If he accompanied him, the First Emperor and Master Fusu would go on a personal expedition and use nearly 500,000 troops. It is impossible to pacify the disaster of the Huns this time.

"If there are problems with the internal management of the gigantic Qin Dynasty, and the people make a rebellion, it is bound to divide the army to suppress the rebellion. In this way, the fundamental problem cannot be solved, and the rebels can only be suppressed more and more. In the last two-line battle, it is to no avail if hundreds of thousands of elite troops are given out and blessings from heaven and man.

"In the end, it's also exhausting."

"But now, Da Qin hasn't died yet!" 893

Yin Man's roar made the entire hall calm down.

Shen Wansan was equally upright, "This is exactly what the minister meant. 35

"What's the meaning?"

Not quite sure what he was talking about.

"The people rebelled, and the root cause was that they didn't have enough food to eat, and they couldn't fill their stomachs. Under normal circumstances, this situation would not happen. So on the surface, Daqin was a prosperous age. However, the vast territory of Daqin was unprecedented. There is no one coming, natural disasters occur in multiple areas at the same time, and the enemy troops are approaching layer by layer, what should we do?"

"Maybe those of us who are soldiers in the military camp will not worry about food and grass, and there will be a steady supply of food and grass from all over the country, but what about the common people and farmers?"

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