Chapter 380 Unrighteous Fortune

"Three nobles from the Six Nations, it is impossible for them to be able to do business together so well."

"So I conclude that the reason for this is not simple. 35

"After sending someone to investigate, the answer was easily known, and the other party was not prepared at all.

"They are sending people to secretly buy a large number of grain stores in various places, and they have also hired a large number of escorts to drive empty carriages to other counties and counties to take away all the relief funds distributed by the court from the "893" grounds, and then sell them at high prices. , to make huge profits, to make a fortune in the country.

"The minister didn't take it to heart at first, but later, it became more and more difficult to see them well, because they made too much money, that's all, they were not satisfied with such behavior, and even stretched their claws to the slap of Jingyang County. bigger place.

"They bought Jingyang canned food directly, and then transported it to other places for more than ten times, and even sold it at a high price of dozens of times. The high price difference made them a lot of money."

"I really don't know how many thousands of coins they have earned in total. This figure is simply unimaginable. 99

[The laws of Daqin seem to stipulate that once the tax of merchants exceeds the annual harvest of the common people, according to the official price, according to the amount of wealth, 10% of the business tax must be paid every month. 】

Yin Man asked, "What about the business tax?"

"It's appalling.

"Basically, Xungui's money can't be collected, because they never pay taxes on their own initiative, and they can delay as long as they can. Sometimes, they even turn a blind eye, or even the whole family disappears. If they don't know, they think they are being taken by others. Out of doors.

"The honors of the three major families are all like this. While seeking a lot of ill-gotten wealth, they turn a blind eye to the country's tax laws. The other small families are also restrained, but they are only good in comparison, but not so good in fact. where to go. 99

"They don't dare to resist the decree and not pay taxes, but under the protection of these early birds, they don't have to worry at all, so it's like driving ducks to the shelves, urging once, paying 10%, paying little by little, one time Yueyue pushed back and never paid much copper coins, so it would be better not to pay...

[Xiao He also said before that business tax is very difficult to collect, because businessmen have their own power, and more or less have close ties with the local big family, no one dares to provoke them, even the local government. , Treat the people of these big families with courtesy.. 】

Shen Wansan quickly said, "Actually, this is also a good thing."

"My minister came to you, in fact, I have a plan in my heart.

Yin Man narrowed his eyes and looked at him in front of him, "said. 35

"Aren't they supposed to be serious businessmen? Well, if that's the case, then it's easy to handle. Daqin is now worried about internal and external troubles, plagues, floods, and locust plagues are raging inside. have some responsibility.

"The family has surplus food, donate money."

"If you don't donate, you're trying to rebel.

Yin Man was confused, "Why?

"Because there is no home of the Six Kingdoms 2.2, there is no oil and water to speak of. They have already eaten into big fat people, and now they can't run if they want to."

"Once we're poor and we're confiscated and we've concealed our huge wealth, we'll just cut it down with one sword, which solves the problem of honor and honor and reduces the financial burden on the court. It's so good, why not do it?"

Shen Wansan's words made Bai Zhu in front of him very satisfied.

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