Chapter 374 One-shot kill

The generals of the Six Nations also stood on the side with anger and watched this scene, wishing to rush up to tear him to pieces, this feeling of being insulted, he really didn't want to suffer a second time.

But it was too late, this person quickly defeated the three soldiers of the Six Nations in a row, and now he has already rushed straight in front of Lord Xiao He, with a body like an arrow.

This person took two steps, jumped up, and took advantage of his strength, and the knife in his hand slashed towards the latter, aiming at his throat.

Xiao He simply closed his eyes and did not witness this cruel side, even though he knew that the victim would be himself.

But he still did it, at best, to comfort himself.

It was an honor to die in the hands of such a powerful assassin.

Or, in other words, after his death, the exposed assassin who was besieged by so many people would surely die, and at that time, maybe they would understand their difficulties, so that the assassin was eliminated. , they will also be moved because of themselves, no longer make trouble, but to quell the war.

This is the best way.

But at this moment.


A deafening voice suddenly spread to everyone's ears.

As fiery as the roar of a dragon and a tiger.

Everyone looked at each other, only to see behind him, the old and strong General Fan Kuai was holding up a strangely shaped bamboo tube, with thick smoke rising from the top, which was gradually dissipating.

in darkness.

Xiao He didn't feel the slightest pain in his body, so he slowly opened his eyes, only to see the assassin standing in front of him with a knife at this moment, there was a bloody hole in his body, and he was gushing out. with blood.

And this heavy injury seems to have cost him his life.

Such a small wound seemed to have drained his energy, his eyes widened sharply, looking straight at himself, but his limbs became extremely stiff and fell directly on his body.

Xiao He looked at him in astonishment and put it aside on the ground, always feeling that something was wrong with this guy.


He stretched out his hand to sniff his breath.


really dead.

・・Ask for flowers・

"Who did this?"

He couldn't help but sighed quietly in his heart.

Turning his head, he and everyone put their eyes on General Fan Kuai's body. Immediately, the fire gun in his hand became an artifact that attracted much attention.

"This is?"

The Six Nations Bingyong looked at the pitch-black gun mouth in his hand, and asked in confusion.


"This is a new weapon fire gun made by my Daqin craftsman!"

"Wait a minute, get down on your knees!

"General Fan is here, if there are still people who want to make trouble, then don't blame the general for not leaving people behind!"

After he finished saying these words, all the soldiers of the Six Nations panicked. Although this thing is small, I just saw with my own eyes how powerful the fire cannon is. Faster than a bow and arrow, it took the assassin's life.

When Xiao He inspected the assassin, he found nothing. It seems that they did a good job of keeping secrets.

But in the end, he found a piece of clothing with the word "Han" in his waist. Although it was so small that it was almost invisible, it still made him notice the knife.

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