Chapter 373 Assassin

Even the few followers around him looked at him in disbelief.

"It's better to leave quickly, don't be stubborn anymore!"

After he finished saying this sentence, Xiao He shook his head and said, "If they kill me and wake up, then even if I die, it doesn't matter, at least my name will be preserved. .

"But if they kill me, what nonsense is a loyal martyr, but a traitor who kills the loyal and good people of the court.

"The stakes are obvious at first sight."

"The Qin people wouldn't have the guts to attack me.

"If there is, then prove..."


A dazzling knife quickly raised 890, waved his hands in front of him, and was about to chop off!

"grown ups!"

The entourage shouted angrily, this knife actually cut it down!

Everyone's heart was beating a lot. The weight of this knife was huge, and he was about to fall on someone who shouldn't have fallen at all. If they really killed Xiao He, then their reaction would all be meaningless.

In this case, what they desperately ask for, not only will they get what they want, but they will leave a stigma that will never be washed away in their entire lives, and will even implicate future generations and be scolded by the world.

But no matter how you look at it today, Xiao He can't dodge this knife.

Heaven had never imagined that this humble soldier from the Six Nations would act bravely, if it was not for his simple-mindedness, or he deliberately murdered.

There seemed to be a hint of cunning in his eyes.

That kind of look makes people shudder, as if there is such a feeling that he is about to be stared at by a beast...

But everyone didn't say much about it. No one could know what was going on with this feeling.

And he seems to be about to kill Xiao He smoothly.

Suddenly a figure flashed by!

And saw Xiao He's entourage rushing over and blocking him, blocking the knife firmly for him.

"grown ups!"

"You have to live well, I'm dead, it doesn't matter..."

After saying this sentence, he tilted his head and lost his life.

Xiao He looked at the blood in his hands, and the place where the gushing out happened to be at his throat. It was not difficult for him to see how precise the incision was at a glance. It was like a surgical operation. generally.

"The assassin is absolutely very human!"

"It's a trained assassin!"

As he screamed out, the inconspicuous Six Nations pawn in front of him really revealed his true face.

He quickly pulled out the knife, and the generals of the Six Nations immediately had someone come to stop him after reacting, "Take it for me!

Unexpectedly, this person's swordsmanship is superb, the sword in his hand is as fast as a dragon, blood is dripping, and a lot of blood is leaking out.

In a blink of an eye, the three soldiers of the Six Nations fell to his sword, and they all died without exception.

The savage and brutal man was about to rush in front of Xiao He soon, and the strange knife direction made it almost impossible to find any point that could be defended hard.

Just like a viper that goes out to attack, it gives people a deadly threat, but it is impossible to guard against, and you never know where it will come from.

Dangerous and sinister.

It is certainly impossible for Xiao He not to panic, seeing that he is about to die here.

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