I! Great Qin Rui Beast, Q\u0026A About the Opening Luck

Chapter 375 The scourge left by history

Chapter 375 The scourge left by history

"The Han family in Yingchuan County?"

Before everyone noticed, he just took this thing into his cuff.

"grown ups?"

The attendant asked cautiously beside him.


After he made a silent gesture, he walked up to him.

"Master Xiao, are you alright?

Fan Kuai got off his horse with a worried look of "890" and walked towards Xiao He, asking as he walked, for fear that such an important official of the country would have some hidden problems due to the chaos, and he was even more worried that he would hate his soldiers because of this. horse……

He is the prime minister of a country and the celebrity in front of Bai Zhu's eyes, so he can't be provoked.

Thinking of this, he became angry, "Mr. Xiao, it's really not good for the army under the command, and he was not there for a while, and there was such a serious incident. In front of the enemy, these bastards are still here. Fight, I can't wait to have a fight here.

"If anyone dares to be presumptuous, he will definitely be shot dead."

After saying these words, he gave a mighty glance at the surrounding Daqin soldiers, without saying a word.

Under the sound of heavy breathing, almost everyone did not dare to speak, because the person standing in front of them was none other than the general they had always commanded.

Although General Fan has never made any contributions in his life, he is very kind to his people. Of course, the loyalty of his soldiers can be said to be the highest in the entire Qin Dynasty.

Because of his skill, almost everyone has seen it, so standing in front of such a general, they dare not do anything out of the ordinary.

After all, he is his own officer, and he will not see him when he looks up and looks down.

But at this moment, someone who was not afraid of death suddenly jumped out, "What kind of infighting?

"It's you Qin people who discriminate against us, the brave soldiers left by the six countries, otherwise how could such a thing happen?"

"Besides, don't you want to go out and save the First Emperor?"

"What's wrong with us only for our loyalty to the Savior?

"If we don't fight again, the saliva of the people outside will drown us. Although we are old soldiers of the previous dynasty, after so many years, General, you must know that we have long since been integrated into the life of Daqin, and we have put those unbearable I've forgotten all the things I mentioned."

"Although we are guilty, the First Emperor has given us a chance to reform. As long as we are willing to return to Da Qin, the past crimes will be forgiven. This shows that he is indeed broad-minded, tolerant of all rivers, and has the appearance of a wise monarch. 39

"It is precisely because of this that at the beginning we would rather die than surrender, but in the end we were willing to become the people of the Great Qin and join the army again, in order to save future generations from the suffering of war, to create a great country, to defend against foreign enemies, and to shock the world. ."

"Is everything he said true?

Fan Kuai's eyes wrinkled sternly, then turned his head to look at Mr. Xiao He who was beside him.

"Really, not really.


Suddenly, a soldier from the Black Ice Platform came in and whispered a few 2.2 words in Xiao He's ear. Suddenly, he opened his mouth in shock, and his eyes were so shocked that he could not wait to stare his eyes out.

But he saw that he nodded to General Fan Kuai's question.

"He's right."

"But it's not entirely right. This time, although the Six Nations' army made a mistake first, it was because they were eager to protect the Lord, plus the urging of the people at the time, so they were anxious."

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