Chapter 357 Inside Xianyang City

"Emperor Shi Huang's army of nearly 200,000 people is facing the front, why are these Huns able to easily bypass the front line and come to Xianyang City in the rear to spread the message?

Ying Yinman said with a gloomy expression.

[They came this time to tell us blatantly that the Huns have the advantage of cavalry, and with the army of the Six Nations launching a large-scale frontal offensive to hold back the formation of the Qin army, their tens of thousands of elite cavalry are even more like Entering the no-man's land, entering and leaving the battlefield is like a duck in water. 】

"Master Xiao, what do you think?" She turned her head and looked at Xiao He in front of her.

"Just now, the letter received another report, saying that our army has been used by the Huns to move the tiger away from the mountain. It is divided into two parts, the front and the rear, and the front and the back cannot be connected. Even if there are hundreds of thousands of troops, the command is different. The military orders are not uniform, and the degree of laxity is like a plate of loose sand, and the fighting strength is unmatched, how can you fight against the Xiongnu elite cavalry?"

"That's why the minister guessed that the situation on the front line is now in chaos. Under this circumstance, it is the worst. There are hundreds of thousands of soldiers in the Great Qin. "

"It is not easy to maintain the battle situation. This is the embodiment of the loyalty of the Daqin soldiers to protect the country. If it is normal, I am afraid that it has already caused an uproar in the major camps, resulting in mutiny, and even betrayal to the enemy..."

Yin Man's eyes were stagnant, and his face was dazed for a while, and he became dizzy, "Sir Xiao, you mean that the Daqin army has been defeated, then my father..."

"Now his dragon robe has been blatantly shot into Xianyang City by the enemy's arrows. Could it be that the emperor has fallen into the hands of the Xiongnu?"

After saying these words, her eyes were weak, and she slumped directly behind her.

The sound is like a torch, as if behind the burning, it is extinguished.

This incident was a fatal blow to her. If the imperial father was captured, how could Daqin soldiers be undefeated?

She, who has always been calm and steady, had a splitting headache for a while, her eyes were numb, and it was as if she couldn't catch her breath.

This is the first time Xiao He has seen a princess like this in his life.

"His Royal Highness, don't worry, the emperor is the true son of Tianlong, he is free and protected by God, and there is still General Meng Tian, ​​who has experienced many battles, as long as the Daqin army has not completely collapsed, then he will be in peace .

"And this time, Your Majesty is on a personal expedition, which is very different from the previous army generals who led a large army. The Son of Heaven is the foundation of the country. As long as His Majesty is still alive, the military will not be in chaos, and there will be no situation where the army is not organized." "

Secondly, the words said in the secret report, the Huns and horses just cut off the connection between the front and the rear of the Qin army, that is to say, they choke a neck between the frontal troops and the logistics, and they are stuck here to make us uncomfortable. If so, So the one who was defeated would never be the party where the First Emperor was.

"Let's talk about it in the third time, the spies came to report, Shangdang, Yingchuan direction has already reached the rear of the rebel (Qian Qian's) army, and attacked from the rear as horns, echoing the frontal army formation of Daqin, attacking back and forth, attacking the enemy. The setback for the military is huge."

"Not only that, because the distance is a little far, so the other diligent kings and horses have disappeared for a long time, so only these two groups of people arrive first. Millions, even if the enemy army has two pairs of wings, it will not escape this catastrophe, and it is only a matter of time before they are defeated."

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