Chapter 356

"Either it is to completely admit that Daqin is his own country, follow the new master, and choose the wood for good birds to live in.

Yin Man thought, "However, most of the time, in order to preserve the wealth accumulated by generations of people in their families, the nobles of the Six Nations will often use all their relationship networks to create a perfect way out for their families."9

"They don't care about the righteousness of so many countries. They only care about their own life and death, no matter who is in power, but Da Qin is different. Da Qin is the enemy who destroyed their country. You guys have always been hostile.

"The Huns are different, they have received their full support from the beginning, and if a new dynasty is established in the future, they are likely to win extremely high power and return to officialdom.

"If you think about it that way, then everything seems to make sense."

【check. 】

[Sent the soldiers from the Black Ice Platform to find out the truth for me. This matter will never be regressed. Daqin treats those nobles of the Six Nations not bad, but they did such a deviant thing, and dared to encourage the army to rebel and release the Huns. Entry?】

[Which of these crimes is not a capital crime, I really have to investigate it, I am afraid that there will be corpses everywhere and rivers of blood. 】

[Therefore, we must find out those who take the lead in conspiracy, and punish them severely, so as to knock the mountain and shake the tiger. 】

Yin Man explained these thoughts.

Xiao He nodded, "Yes."

After saying this, he backed out.

[Actually, the most urgent task at the moment is to step up production, improve the quality and quantity of firearms, and then make firearms while training troops to continuously supply gunpowder reserves. The cavalry is also a very powerful army. 】

[Also, all the counties and counties have sent people to look forward to it. Once they find out that the Six Nations Xungui intends to rebel, they must inform me as soon as possible. Otherwise, if they all join forces to fight against Qin, the situation will change again. It has become out of control, so it must be completely killed and extinguished in the cradle before the appeal of the nobles of the Six Nations has become a climate. 】

After Bai Zhu arranged all this, he lay on the bed and turned over, as if the war-torn city had nothing to do with him.

Above the city wall, Guan Yunchang, a mighty man, was staring at the small wood not far away.

I saw a group of people rushing over.

However, one of them could only see that one of them pulled the giant bow and let go with a bang. The sharp arrow made a perfect arc in the air, and it was firmly stuck on the tower pillar not far from Guan Yun.

I saw that this arrow was a credit pass, and there was nothing else on it, just a rag with a black dragon on it.

But this cloth, although it doesn't look very conspicuous, they seem to recognize the black dragon pattern on it. This is a cloth that can only be worn by the emperor today.

Even so, it did not prevent their monstrous anger.

"This, is this the royal father's clothes?"

Yin Man suddenly became in a very bad mood, looking at this piece of rag, with grief and anger in his heart, "Father, father...880"

"Father, he won't be able to come back, right?

After she finished saying these words, Bai Hei in front of her shook her head disapprovingly, "It's his life if he doesn't come back.

"If the dignified generation of one emperor through the ages was actually injured by the barbarian Xiongnu generation."

"This is simply, what kind of system?

Xiao He also said angrily: "How dare you hurt our emperor, I have to go and chop off the hands and tongue of the Huns who don't have long eyes! 35

Bai Hei has no objection. Killing people to pay for their lives and paying their debts is simply a matter of course.

In his view, this is what is normal.

Bai Zhi was very sober, "It's useless to do this, it will actually hurt myself...

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