Chapter 358

After Yin Man heard his words, his face finally felt better.

"Drink some tea and calm down. 99

Xiao He immediately sent a servant to pour a cup of tea in front of Yin Man.

"Thank you Sir Xiao for your pointers."

After thanking her, she took a sip, but she still felt very uneasy in her heart.

Because Bai Hei's heart has been silent.

As if he didn't speak.

Xiao Hewen said, "Princess Yinman, the battle situation outside the city is so severe, what should I do?"

"Would you like to send troops?"

"What do you mean by Lord White and Black?"

Xiao He, who has always been thoughtful and thoughtful, arrived at 880 at this urgent moment, and there was a hint of hesitation on his face.

Yin Man turned his head, but Bai Hei's eyes were in a daze, and he didn't respond for a while.

Instead, he ate on his own, as if to hide his embarrassment.

Let's send troops, it violated Lao Zhao's own death order, and I have no position to say, what is the reason for sending troops?

It knows Lao Zhao's temper very well. On this matter, the words have already been said, and it is impossible not to show his face. Otherwise, how can this step let people be the emperor?

Why don't you go to the army?

In fact, I was also afraid of hurting Yin Man's heart.

There have been unofficial records that the yin in history has a bad character and poor ability to accept blows, but she is very naive. It is rumored that before she was dismembered, she believed too much that her brother Hu Hai would definitely not listen to the slanderous words of Zhao Gao's treacherous officials and the like. , However, when she learned that the person who assassinated her was her own brother, her seven orifices bleed, she was devastated, and she was so fragile that she couldn't bear such a heavy blow, and finally died with hatred.

Now that she is her chief messenger, she accepts hundreds of affairs every day. These folk trivial matters are generally handled by her, and those that cannot be handled will be sent to her for instructions.

Although she said so, but in the end, she was a woman who should have been conscientious and abide by women's morals in ancient times, but now she has also entered the whirlpool of power. Really overworked.

Even if you have more experience (bbcc) and know more, you will naturally have the means you should have.

But her nature is hard to change, if she is unwilling to accept the change of white and black on her, then her innocent nature will kill her own life sooner or later.

If she dies, then no one will pass the message on her behalf, so she can't be hit so hard that she should be treated well. Some things can be taken care of if they can. After all, she is too young and too young. A young, pampered princess since she was a child, she never imagined the scorching world in the world, and she never imagined that some things that should not have happened could actually happen to her.

All this for a reason.

Seeing that Yin Man did not speak, Xiao He also thought that it was Lord Bai Hei who came down without any orders.

So he immediately reminded: "Sir, you have to think twice, now the war outside the city is going on like a raging fire, and apart from the personal soldiers in your hands, the Daqin defenders in the city are already anxious, waiting unbearably, and eager to leave the city. go to the rescue..."

"To be honest, there are all kinds of news rumored outside, but the words are too sharp, and it is really inappropriate for your servant to say it.

Yin Man looked at Xiao He, "What are the rumors in the military camp outside?"

"Some people say that when the emperor dies, the kingdom will perish!"5

"Some people say that the First Emperor has now been poisoned, and many traitors from the enemy have appeared in the army, and now the soldiers of the Great Qin are surrounded, and they are at stake.

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