I! Great Qin Rui Beast, Q\u0026A About the Opening Luck

Chapter 355 There is a problem with the tax collected

Chapter 355 There is a problem with the tax collected

After Shen Wansan finished saying these words, Bai Hei snorted in front of him, but a sense of pride was inevitably born in his heart.

Yin Man nodded, "Okay, you are the housekeeper, I and Bai Hei are both at ease.

"Thank you for your praise, Princess, it really is a shame for a small minister..."

After Shen Wansan said these words humbly, even Baihei shook his head, "Eighty-eighty" [Jingyang is only one county's tax revenue? 】

[It seems that in the future, we will have to do some work from this commercial tax. 】

After hearing these words, Yin Man didn't say anything more.

It was just at this moment that Shen Wansan, who was in front of him, said, "It's just that recently, Yingchuan, Taiyuan County, and Liaodong County and Liaoxi County have almost lost more than half of their tax revenue. The reason for this is that there is no success at all. and return.

"Otherwise, this year's Jingyang treasury will definitely contain more than three or five million dollars. 99

After Shen Wansan said these words, Yin Man nodded, "Okay, you can step back first. 35

"Yes. 35

After saying this, he really walked out slowly.

The ministers were also dismissed by Yinman one after another.

Immediately, only Bai Hei, Yin Man and Xiao He were left in the Jingyang mansion.

After everyone left, Xiao He frowned and said, "I don't think there is a big problem when I hear it, but once I look into it, I don't think it's quite right."

After he finished saying these words, Yin Man in front of him said in surprise, "Why?"

But Baihei laughed wickedly.


The subordinates talk about important things, and it has nothing to do with them hanging up high.

Lie flat points +30!

"It's like this, just lie down! 99

"Princess, don't you see it?"

Xiao He said in surprise: "If you think about it carefully, it is not difficult to find out what counties and counties did the troops stationed in these counties finally do when they invaded the Central Plains this time?

After he finished speaking, the Yin Man in front of him suddenly had his pupils dilated, "These, these counties, are actually the only way to go to Xianyang, no wonder..."

"What are they conspiring in the dark? They actually let the Huns go straight in and enter the hinterland of my Daqin. Now they are about to hit the outside of Xianyang City. The emperor is driving the expedition in person, and they don't know how the frontline battle is going?"

Yin Man's tone clearly became a little worried.

[I've been fighting for so many days, and now I know that it's okay to betray other people, but now it's better, it's my own people who beat my own people all the time, and the Huns are watching the show while they are watching, whichever side is bitten to death is all right to him. The benefit, the loss, is the national defense force of Daqin after all. 】

"Yes, that's right."

Yin Man particularly agrees with Bai Hei's voice, "Among these counties, the main tax-paying groups are the nobles of the Six Nations who have survived in the past. Let them become wealthy after they lose power, become a privileged class, enjoy the treatment of the upper class, and completely separate them from the poor and the common people." 2.2

"Could it be that these nobles are making trouble? 35

"If you are those nobles and the original small country has been broken, what should you do now?

Xiao He's words made Yin Man fall into deep thought.

"Either don't compromise easily and fight to the end. After all, although there are no soldiers or powers at hand, there are other resources."

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