I! Great Qin Rui Beast, Q\u0026A About the Opening Luck

Chapter 340 The Punishment of Court Battle

Chapter 340 The Punishment of Court Battle

He thought to himself, the pain is right, maybe the meaning of white and black is to let him feel the pain and it's over, at least, this punishment is much stronger than those who gouge his eyes, cut his nose and cut his patella...

So he quickly closed his eyes and lay down on the bench that had been prepared for him in front of him.

"let's start.

Yin Man looked at the scene in front of her with interest, spanking, isn't it interesting?

The tricks that children use to commit crimes can also be used by adults, and thanks to the white and black "eight seven zeros" who can think of it, she felt a little funny in her heart, and she was secretly ridiculed.

Thinking of Bai Hei's stupid and cute appearance again, I couldn't help laughing. This brain is too smart. It's a bit too reluctant to use this trick to relieve anger and find yourself a step down. Bar?

It's kind of abnormal.

So the two people in front of them were holding so-called thick wooden stakes to the entourage of the Heibingtai general Shi Tingzhang, and the work at hand officially began.

Only a thud was heard.


Hei Bingtai soldiers couldn't help but called out, but their faces were pale and not very good-looking.

Soon, the second and the third fell again.

"Master Li, are you alright?"

"It's okay, this pain is nothing, you beat you, continue, otherwise, it's hard to explain to Princess Yinman."

After he explained these words, the two followers around you looked at me, I looked at you, and didn't say a word.

But I saw one of them talking and whispering softly to ask Mr. Li, who was being beaten, "Master Li, can you break the wealth and eliminate the disaster?"

"This wood can be played loudly and the sound is nice, but it can also make you feel better. I have the weight on my hand, which can make you feel more comfortable.

"Having less guilt will make you serve Daqin better, won't you be guilty of guilt?"

"It's much better than being severely punished after suffering this crime and breaking the laws of the state due to injury and illness."

Master Li couldn't take it anymore at the fourth stroke. The force was too great, too heavy, so heavy that he couldn't bear it at all.

So he compromised, "Okay, two good brothers, start a little lightly, and I will pay you a lot of money afterwards.

"The person who knows the current affairs is Junjie, General Li. If I did this earlier, I would have suffered less. It's really offended. The two of us can't help ourselves, and everything obeys Princess Yinman's orders..."

After they finished saying this, he opened his mouth and said, "If that's the case, then there's nothing to say. 39

"Keep fighting.

Soon the two attendants began to wave the thick wooden stakes in their hands again.

Suddenly, the sound of beating in turn came into the ears of Bai and Hei. It seemed that the beating was really heartfelt, and the anger in my heart became much smoother. Naturally, I felt that everything was fine.

[Okay, the punishment is too severe, it's not good, this person has some abilities, I still want to keep him to convey information to myself, but I can't just scrap it. 】

Yin Man nodded and asked downward, "How many are left?"

The two entourages were sweating profusely, and they were panting at the moment. Obviously, in this battle, not only the sufferers suffered, but the torturers were even more uncomfortable. , Holding it in your hand, it is unrealistic to say that it is not heavy, just like anaerobic fitness in later generations.

If you don't eat a few big bowls of rice, you can hardly make up for it.

After listening to one of the attendants resting for a while, he slowly opened his mouth and said: "Reporting to the princess, the punishment for court battles has reached nine battles, and the last battle is still needed to complete the merits.

【A little bit more?】

Yin Man turned his head and looked at Bai Hei in front of him without making a sound.


But just by looking at his expression, he can almost guess what he wants to do next.

[I originally wanted to let him go, but it seems that my worry is really a bit unnecessary, let them continue to fight this last battle, make up a whole number, perfect! 】

Bai Zhi's voice made Princess Yinman cover her mouth and snicker.

Just when these two followers thought they wanted to let them let go of the Black Ice Terrace Master Li in front of them, they never expected that Princess Yinman said: "Continue to fight this last battle...

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