Chapter 339 Legalist Thought

Legalism is not wrong, it is only the people at dawn, no matter how strict the beginning of the dynasty is, no matter how many lessons and ways of managing the country are used at the beginning, it cannot prevent corruption and weakness at the end.

At this time point in Daqin, if there is a way to free the people from this fear of punishment, then Daqin will not rebel until the end.

Qin died under torture, which accounts for most of the reasons.

They also perished in the construction of large-scale construction, canal construction, construction of the Great Wall, etc., the people were injured and disabled, and the people who were caught in the war during the Warring States Period were unable to recuperate, and the people's grievances have accumulated for a long time.

The hardships of labor often force people to break the law, and the punishment brought by the law is unacceptable. Rather than die, it is better to do the opposite and overthrow him!

This is the so-called peasant uprising.

Although it was suppressed, the source of the conflict was not eliminated, so that Daqin soon showed signs of subjugation.

Yin Man's idea is correct, she thought that Bai Hei took the result of the First Emperor's defeat this time on the black ice platform soldier in front of her, so she tried her best to excuse him, but she didn't expect that she was full of good intentions. Ci, in the end, swept the white and black steps, forcibly demolished his platform, and prevented him from going down.

So he lowered his head and coughed twice, and Cherry pouted, as if to quibble about his innocence.

He reached out and patted its furry head again, "Okay, it's not that I won't let you go down the steps, but I don't know what you mean by "Ting Zhan"."

【Do you know now?】

Yin Man smiled, then shook his head: "I still don't know."

"I haven't seen this thing at all, and I don't know what material it is made of. It is rare for Daqin to have craftsmen who built this thing."

[Yes, saying it is equivalent to talking in vain. 】

Baihei rolled his eyes, but he quickly explained to her, [The court stick is generally made of chestnut wood, the end of which is shaved into a mallet shape, and is covered with iron sheets, and there are barbs on the iron sheets. , The executioner pulls again, and the sharp barb will tear off a large piece of the victim's body, including the belt. 】

[If the executioner does not show mercy, let alone 60, or 30, the victim's flesh will be torn to shreds after being hit and caught. Even if they don't die, nine out of ten people will be disabled for life. The court staff is eighty, which means that both feet have entered the threshold of the Lord of Hell. 】

··For flowers....

"That's it, so I understand everything."

After he finished speaking these words in front of him, he soon saw Yin Man in front of him opening his mouth and instructing: "Come here, bring two thick sticks, the thicker the better."

"It's 55


Soon, only two followers walked in carrying two logs that were two meters long.



What Yin Man said made them all stunned.


"Princess, what is the punishment?"

"Ting battle!"

"What is a court battle?

The Daqin people of this era were as expected, and they didn't know what it was, so they explained it to them again, and they finally walked over with the wooden sticks in their hands.

"My lord, where is this wooden stick, this is clearly a thick tree trunk, and there are still some barbs on the top that haven't been pulled out cleanly, how painful would it be if they pierced into the flesh?"

The black ice platform soldier's face was full of shadows, and he looked at the two big tree trunks that were slowly approaching him, and his heart was trembling.

I haven't had it, how do I know if it hurts? Knife,

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