I! Great Qin Rui Beast, Q\u0026A About the Opening Luck

Chapter 341 Leading the Frontier of Science and Technology

Chapter 341 Leading the Frontier of Science and Technology

After the soldiers on the Black Ice Platform came down from the court battle platform, they gave the two attendants a little money to show their respect, and immediately retreated.

[Let Xi Yingfeng come in. 】

Following Bai Hei's order, Yin Man beside him quickly conveyed his meaning to his followers.

Soon, Xi Yingfeng, who had been waiting outside the hall, walked in immediately after hearing this order.

"Wei Chen has seen Lord Baihei..."

"Mr. Xi doesn't need to be more polite, get up. 35 Yin Man looked at him with a smile on her face, and treated the capable people under the Qin Dynasty with great respect, because she admired these things, and at the same time, she also felt good in her heart. I find it interesting to find.

After all, a royal child like her who grew up in a deep palace, 11 has no chance to come into contact with these things that are called the three religions and nine-class in the folk, so it is inevitable to have a sense of novelty for a while.

When I tested gunpowder last time, I had already seen the secrets it should have. For such a long time, it is inevitable to imagine various usages in my mind. If they can be realized one by one, will it bring about technical breakthrough?

The innovation of science and technology actually needs artistic inspiration. Before everything is close to the concept of zero, there should always be a prototype that has been imagined.

It's like a sharp knife.

In the primitive tribe period, each tribe usually used wooden sticks tied with stones to compete for territory and food.

Until later, the first person who discovered a sharp object appeared, so he polished a sharp stone axe, which can not only be used to kill people, but also can be used to cut food, cut down trees, and has a wide range of uses.

Once this concept emerges, what is lacking is the raw material.

When the human society discovered how to make iron, they were no longer satisfied with grinding stone tools for warfare, and more and more iron knives began to be invented one after another.

For the first group that invented this kind of thing at that time, it was a progress that surpassed the times and led the trend of the times.

Treating wooden sticks and stone tools in the hands of others with iron weapons can be regarded as a qualitative leap.

Even when encountering some particularly vicious generals, one can barely feel threatened by using backward weapons, but it still takes a lot of energy and cost to be able to barely win.

It is enough to see that every innovation and change of the era will bring great progress to the entire human society.

Just like Zheng He's voyage to the West in later generations, it greatly promoted the connection between the western world and the eastern world, and made the cultural exchange and convergence between the two go a step further.

In the end, whether the colonialist West took a step ahead, or the Ming Dynasty, which was full of the idea of ​​a great power in the Celestial Dynasty, came after, it is the same result, which is just a kind of progress of the whole human society.

If you don't have a stand, you will see this kind of fruit, but since ancient times, there are too few people like this, because there are almost no people who are completely free.

This is even more the case in Daqin today. With the help of Baihei, the progress of Xi Yingfeng's fire gun has almost achieved qualitative development.

Bai Hei first raised his head and took a slow look, only to see that Yingfeng's face was full of spring equinox, and his thin chin became smoother.

【Did you eat well during this time?】

[I haven’t seen you for a few days, and you have grown so much flesh? I remember, when you first came here, it was really worthy of the word skinny. few. 】

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