Chapter 338

"There was an offensive from the rear. The First Emperor led the three battalions to besiege them, but they were ambushed by the enemy army, facing the enemy on three sides. It was difficult for the three battalions to deal with them at the same time for a while, so after they made a stupor, they suffered heavy casualties."

After he finished speaking these words in front of him, when even Bai Hei in front of him was a little angry, his cheeks bulged fiercely.

He looked at him with hatred in his eyes.

[If that's the case, why didn't you say it earlier?]

【Military situation is so urgent, but you avoid the important and take it lightly. Isn't this a manifestation of deceiving the king?】

【It's not an exaggeration to kill you with one knife, but for the sake of your timely delivery of news, I will spare you from death, but the death penalty can be spared, and there is no escape from living sin, drag it down and fight thirty court battles! 】

Yin Man did not understand something, and asked, "What punishment is the court battle?"

Hei Bingtai soldiers hurriedly cried and complained: "Sir Baihei, please forgive the villain this time, the villain is just short story, and does not want to hide the situation of the war, the disaster comes out of the mouth, and it is hard to prevent..."

Yin Man nodded and said to Bai Hei: "Indeed, in the Black Ice Terrace, he has the best ability, and he is the most accurate in intelligence techniques, and this time, it can't be all blamed on him. , after all, no matter what, he's just a passerby..."

After Yin Man finished saying these words, Bai Hei nodded in front of him, [Ten court battles are enough!]

"Ten court battles?"

"What the hell is a court battle?"

Yin Man asked suspiciously again.

Bai Zhu was stunned for a moment, "Could it be, don't you know what a court battle is?"

"do not know."

Yin Man shook his head.

Bai Hei stayed for a while, thinking quietly for a moment, and this is what I can think of. [It turns out that the punishment of court battle first appeared in the Eastern Han Dynasty. It was just a humiliation, but he stayed in bed for several months, and then recovered. 】

"Not so guilty!

Yin Man heard its inner voice, and immediately felt that this was also a torture, so he began to plead for the black ice platform soldier in front of him.

"No matter what, there should be no severe punishment."

"No actual mistakes were made.

Bai Hei was stunned for a while, what happened to Yin Man today, what she said in a fit of anger, but she took it seriously?

(bbcc) It made me feel a little uncomfortable when I didn't go down the stairs like this.

But it seems that it should be caused by her not understanding the meaning of her words.

Baihei nodded, and quickly explained to her, [Tingzhang's punishment is not severe, it does little harm to people, and the main purpose is to humiliate those who commit crimes in the imperial court, and it may be possible to recover in ten days. 】

Yin Man raised his head and looked at it, and he was relieved. After all, this Da Qin criminal law can be said to be the most severe since ancient times. Once violated, life is better than death.

Either digging meat or beheading the nose and toes, the physical persecution has reached the most incisive, and even palace punishment, humiliation punishment, etc., ingenious and ingenious tactics, use everything to the extreme, and develop the torture to a whole new level.

In this era, the concept that the body and skin is affected by parents has not yet been fully popularized. Confucianism has suffered the ruthless murder of the First Emperor. Except for the accident that the daily life has not been affected, the people are always on guard against their own Life, once the law is violated, will be irreversible.

This is the truth, no one wants to be without arms or legs, but it just so happens that Daqin's legal and criminal laws are all either death or injury, crippling and frightening tricks, and there is a hidden insidiousness that makes people feel scared from the bottom of their hearts.

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