Chapter 324

"Stand on..."


He was hoarse, but the situation on the battlefield was beyond human control.

"General, the trend of decadence is set..."

"Hurry up and organize a death squad and send His Majesty out!"

A soldier covered in blood hurriedly shouted out.

"Not good, not good!"

Another soldier rushed over from the rear and said, "The Huns have outflanked our trail, and we have nowhere to go!"


Zhao Wugen said angrily, "You are all deaf, are you blind?"

"Is it not incompetence to watch others outflank the back way, but do nothing at all? 35

At this time, another soldier in the rear reported a letter!

"General, the military doctor said, Your Majesty is dying. The poisonous blood attacked his heart, and even the blood he vomited turned black!"

"What did you say?"

In addition to being shocked, he looked at the messenger in front of him in disbelief.

"Your Majesty he..."

"No, you have to break out quickly! 99

"The veteran soldiers can be so loyal and patriotic, why can't I?"

After he thought about it for a while, he immediately decided to lead the troops to charge and open the way.

"Tie Your Majesty to me!

"I'm going to carry him on my back and deliver it to Xianyang myself!"

"For a stretcher, the goal is too big, and it is even more impossible to carry a sedan chair. Only in this way is a good strategy that can be implemented!

"All officers and soldiers obey orders, take me as the center, take breaking out of the siege as the goal, turn from defense to attack, and defeat the enemy army! 99

A sound will come down.

Qin Bing, who should have retreated and defended, had just lost a large number of troops and turned to defense, but it didn't take long to stabilize the defensive position, and issued an order to switch from defense to attack.

On the battlefield, they had no choice but to pay the price of the tragic deaths of countless soldiers and turn into an offensive lineup again.

The Huns suffered very little damage, but the battle results were quite rich. When they charged down, they were often able to capture the heads of many Qin soldiers.

This is also inevitable.

After all, the Qin soldiers had already lost their advantage and their morale was low. Only by working hard could they have the strength to fight.

But the battle power that erupted like this did not last long, and could not stand the delay.

Because they have basically lost their minds, and when they are dazed, they are more likely to do stupid behaviors.

··For flowers....

Soon the soldiers watched the enemy cavalry galloping over, and they used their bodies to meet the enemy's sharp blade.

Tens of thousands of Qin soldiers were tragically killed by the Xiongnu swords.

The numbers are getting smaller and smaller.

No advantage at all.

To this day, the disheveled General Zhao could not imagine why such a tragic situation would happen.

How could Daqin's tens of thousands of troops disappear without a trace?

He really couldn't think of it, let alone accept such a cruel fact.

Such a defeat, no matter what the reason, has already happened to him, if he also killed the first emperor, even if there are thousands of reasons to protect him, he is afraid that he will not escape death.

Suddenly, he thought of something.

If at the beginning, the three battalions of the Qin army had been separated to meet the enemy, wouldn't they have been defeated so badly?

What bluff?

What positive breakthrough?

What is patriotism?

Thinking like this, that veteran soldier with a deep camouflage was the biggest spy the Huns planted in the Daqin army?

General Zhao was stunned, in a trance, he vaguely remembered the figure knife who volunteered to go to Xianyang regardless of his life and death.

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