I! Great Qin Rui Beast, Q\u0026A About the Opening Luck

Chapter 323 The Huns' Iron Cavalry

Chapter 323 The Huns' Iron Cavalry

After he finished saying these words, Zhao Wugen, who was in front of him, was completely moved.


"To have a loyal and righteous person like you is simply the luck of the country and the luck of the nation!""

"it is good!"

"That's it!"

"Ben will let someone write a letter and send you to Xianyang! 35

As he spoke, he was about to call someone.

But it was suddenly interrupted.

"no need!"

"I'm ready, as long as you give your order, General, I will die, and I will send this letter to Xianyang City as soon as possible!"

"As an ordinary soldier, you have the talent of a general, you are worried about the country and the people, and you are fighting to the death for your Majesty's 863 country and society. This time, you can say that you are dying, but you still ignore it. The soldiers in front of you are really loyal and good. !

"I must report this matter to the emperor, and I will give you a hundred people's great deeds!

The old soldier clasped his fists with both hands and said, "Thank you, General, for your appreciation!"

"The battle situation is changing rapidly, there is no delay, I... go!"

He rode on a war horse that was scarce in the Qin army, and he galloped away.

General Zhao was very relieved, it could be seen that he walked, but his heart seemed to have lost something important, empty, seemed helpless, and felt very empty.

(bbcc) "Kill!

With a sigh in his heart, he immediately raised his sword and rushed to kill, even taking the lead.

Seeing that the army of Qin soldiers was chasing after the Huns, what they never expected was that not long after the veterans left, the Qin soldiers on both sides were quickly defeated. Give them any chance to breathe.

Qin Bing was attacked by the enemy on three sides, and suffered a major blow for a while, which was no different from a person who was fighting with a knife in both sides.

This is not the fault of improper command, but the result of the destructive destruction of the army lineup.

"How could it be so fast?"

Zhao Wugen's eyes turned pale, "With two thousand men and horses, no matter how brave their cavalry is, how many people can they be divided into?"

"General, by visual inspection, there are 30,000 cavalry on the left and right, and our army's 2,000 troops hit the stone with an egg, and they were defeated in an instant.

"And what's even worse is that when they raised their prestige, the Xiongnu cavalry was not afraid at all, and they rushed over and chopped everyone off their horses, so the line of defense was easily broken.

"how is this possible?"

He stared at the Xiongnu cavalry on both sides in an unbelievable state, and he was even more worried.

"What to do, brother?'35

As soon as he turned around, he was going to ask the old soldier to help him solve the problem, but he forgot that he had just left.

How could the Huns' cavalry suddenly increase in such numbers?

He is really puzzled!

Qin Bing's successive defeats made him unpredictable.

Now is the real enemy on three sides, falling into doom and gloom.

Although the veteran who offered advice is no longer there, his spirit of devoting himself to the country has deeply moved this young general who is highly susceptible to emotional infection.

"Turn offense to defense!

"The messenger has already been dispatched to take advantage of the chaos, the situation has changed, and the attack has turned into defense!"

"Preserve strength and stand firm for assistance!"

The generals are out, and the soldiers should respond.

A large number of soldiers obeyed his orders and stood firm for help.

The soldiers of the Qin army who could be slaughtered like a flock of sheep have long since collapsed. In the midst of their defeat, they no longer have any fighting strength to speak of, and they only know how to flee for their lives.

After all, the human leg can't run the horse's leg, and it can only become one bloody corpse under the hooves of the Huns.

Humans are tigers and wolves, while the Qin army is like lambs. After slaughtering, the resistance is close to zero.

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