Chapter 325 The real spy

Anger is born from the heart, and the fist is clenched unconsciously.

He thought of the loyal and brave man who was killed by himself as an enemy because of spies sowing discord!

If he really sticks to the strategy of waiting for help as he said, at least in the face of such a large army of Huns, he will not be defeated so quickly and so thoroughly!

At least there is still a lot of operating space left, giving Qin Bing a chance to breathe.

However, it is too late to say anything now.

"Eight six three"

I had to bite the bullet, rush up, and kill the enemy to the death.

Perhaps this is the only way to be able to kill a bloody path.

Earn your own dignity.

In the end, you can also get the famous festival of a loyal and brave person!

This is his last luxury!

And the first emperor was lying on his junior at this moment, unconscious, without any consciousness at all.

His breathing became weaker and weaker, and even his lips turned purple-black.

Such a situation.

With the delay of time, Daqin's troops are getting smaller and smaller. Could it be that the first emperor of the first emperor of the past will die tragically in this enemy's sneak attack?

Really useless!

Huns camp.

Hu Yanchi, who was wearing a mink coat, appeared in front of everyone.

"Haha, it's been a long time."

"Invincible Harce, you are such an idiot.

"Emperor Qin is on his expedition, why didn't you send me a letter earlier?"

"Do you know how many prairie boys we will lose by delaying the fighter plane?"

"I'll settle this account with you later.

General Udi bowed his head in shame, "I didn't do things well, and I really owe the khan's cultivation.


After Hu Yanchi glanced at him coldly, he turned his eyes to look at another figure on horseback in front of him.

This person is wearing the black armor of the soldiers of the Qin army, with heavy eye bags and a broad face, giving a broad and honest impression.

"Although I am an old Qin man, I also understand the power of the Huns' cavalry. After many battles, the Da Qin army still needs three people to deal with a single cavalry, which is enough to show that it is right to follow Lord Khan.

"I will never be reconciled to being a soldier in Daqin.

"Lord Khan promised me that he would give me the position of commander-in-chief after accomplishing a great cause. I have always kept it in my heart and will never forget it. 95

"That's why I will come out now and inform you of the internal news of the Qin army.

Hu Yanchi snorted coldly, "How can a person who betrays be loyal to me?"

"Let's just tell the truth, let me see your value.."

After he finished speaking, the veteran soldier in front of him didn't care about his slander at all, and still said: "I have followed the Khan's order and let them fall into the encirclement, with only four thousand soldiers and horses on both sides. It's just a bluff."5

"You can't help but say that seventy thousand of my Xiongnu's 100,000 troops are gathered here, and Wang Ben's 300,000 troops were defeated by my 100,000 elite cavalry. Without any tricks, I can easily slay it under the horse!

Hu Yanchi said arrogantly.

However, the veteran soldier persuaded: "Lord Khan, Qin's destruction of the six kingdoms is enough to prove that Qin soldiers are by no means idle, and it is better to be careful in everything, and don't act recklessly. 2.2"

"Humph, my Xiongnu's elite cavalry will be victorious in a hundred battles!

"This time I entered the Central Plains, and the morale has greatly increased. Now that the Qin army has been broken, and soon, it will be everyone's expectations and achieve great things!"


The veteran soldier said with an apologetic smile: "Khan is really the reincarnation of the real dragon and the emperor, no wonder there are often scholars in the Central Plains who often sigh and say that there are dragons surrounding the Great Wall in the north, and now I see that it is true.

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