Chapter 322 Loyal and Brave People

"If my expectations are right, the outcome is often decided in an hour or two.55

"This battle will be the greatest victory in this Great Patriotic War!"

"it is good!

Zhao Wugen was in a surging mood, looking back at his current army of hundreds of thousands, he was even more confident.

He found his place in no time.

He is the leader of a thousand people, and now tens of thousands of people in Daqin are obeying his own orders. Under such circumstances, what is there to be afraid of?

There is no need to worry about anything at all, just lead the troops to rush to kill!

The army in front was fighting, and the enemy was as fierce as a tiger.

Once again rushed towards the enemy.

Because they were ordered to give the enemy a heavy blow in the shortest possible time.

The slower the pace, the 4,000 warriors who sent troops on both sides would die miserably.

The Qin soldiers became not afraid of sacrifice, and the Huns were frightened by most of the Qin troops who were threatening to die, and they lost their morale as they retreated again and again.


The sound of the war horn sounded, and immediately Qin soldiers formed an array of three or five, using shields and spears to form a battle array, which often made the Huns miserable, unable to get close, let alone break the enemy.

The long attacking distance and defensive means make the cavalry lose its advantage.

In fact, this kind of the best battle lineup is rare. Daqin's spearmen are not many, only one-third of all arms, and most of them are infantry with big swords.

But even so, the shield is one in every two or three, in groups of three or five, and has an absolute advantage against a cavalry.

While one person was attacking, the other two held a sword, and the other held a shield to protect themselves.

The three accompanied each other behind each other, and they were extremely skilled in cooperating without training. Although the Huns were brave, they could not touch the hedgehog head-on, so they had to retreat, still blocking the way and refusing to let them go.

"Attack! 35

"There is no turning back. If you don't attack, there is only one dead end. The soldiers on the side won't be able to support you for long, and they will all charge for me!"

"Destroy the enemy!"

But the mobility of the cavalry is extremely high, and under his order, the enemy troops have already fled the entanglement with the Qin army.

Relying on their own two legs, the infantrymen, even if they were desperate, could only pull one or two Xiongnu cavalry into the water, and could not entangle the large number of cavalry teams who wanted to escape.


"The Huns are defeated, and they will pursue the victory!"


In the chaos, the old general came to him again and said: "General Zhao, now is a good time to move and rescue troops, and now while the situation is unclear, you can still go out and spread the message, just in case!

General Zhao looked at him trustingly and nodded and said, "...Okay, do you have a recommendation from a loyal and brave person?"

"Yes, of course there is!"

"Who is it, tell me quickly! 35


General Zhao fell into silence, and after a while, he could not bear to say: "You, you have a clear mind, you can clearly see the situation and make judgments, it is definitely not a stupid person."

"If this battle is won, I intend to go back and propose that you be my lieutenant, and I will definitely be rewarded all year round.

"However, it is extremely dangerous to go to Xianyang to convey the news. It is very likely that you will be chased and killed by the enemy (King Qian's) army cavalry on the road. If you have three long and two short..."

The old soldier's eyes were solemn, and he immediately knelt down on one knee, clasped his fists with both hands, and said sternly and solemnly: "A dignified man, die for the country and die!

"If something happens to me, I hope the general can find my bones and let me return home.

"I am helpless, an old bachelor, I am at home in the military camp on weekdays, all brothers are like my family, after death, you can distribute it to all brothers for me.

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