Chapter 319

Just as everyone was worried, suddenly, the sound of golden horses and iron horses trampling on the ground came to Qin Jun's ears.

As the leader of this battle, under Zhao Wugen's thick armor, a drop of clearly visible sweat slowly flowed from his forehead to his chin.

Just when a large number of Qin troops were fighting head-on with the opposing Xiongnu troops, on the hill on the left, countless Xiongnu elites were standing under the scorching sun. ~Under the Great Qin Iron Cavalry.

Being attacked from the side means that the current Qin army can only choose to fight from both sides. As a result, it is more passive and directly loses the opportunity to take the initiative to attack.

Although the Daqin infantry phalanx is strong, it is always infantry, and the enemy is the elite cavalry. In this way, a full-scale formation can still be worthy of response, but once the troops are divided into two places, the combat power will inevitably be reduced by half. Unable to resist, they can only fall into the predicament of being encircled and consumed.

If there is no good plan to break through the enemy, you can only step into the swamp with one foot, but the more you struggle, the deeper you are, and you can't get out like you did at the beginning.

"General Zhao, the Xiongnu army in front is still difficult to deal with, and there are cavalry in ambush on the left side!

"This is a situation of horns, our army is even more difficult to command, and now we can only try our best to defend!" An old soldier from Zhao Wugen's faction said in horror.

"My God!"

"On the right side! There are also a large number of enemy troops on the right side!"

The soldiers on the other side also shouted loudly, drawing everyone's attention back at once!

Zhao Wugen, who was in chaos, turned his head and looked at the Huns cavalry who were rushing towards him. His scalp was numb, and goosebumps appeared all over his body.

"My God!"

All of a sudden he fell limp.

"This, is this what I did?"

"This cavalry, the elite soldiers of the Qin Dynasty, was completely destroyed by me?"

After he finished saying these words, the entourage of the veteran immediately raised him, "Although General Zhao is young and in power these years, he has taken good care of us veteran soldiers. Today, even if we die, we have to help the general. Kill a bloody road and send His Majesty to Xianyang safely!

"But, you and I all know the brutality of the Huns' cavalry. With ten thousand cavalry, it still takes thirty thousand infantry to be able to deal with it. Now the number of enemy troops is tens of thousands, which is comparable to our Daqin army, but they are divided into three sides and encircled. can win?

·For flowers...

"I, I think it's better to evacuate as soon as possible before being outflanked..."

"General! Absolutely!

He could only hear the entourage of the old soldier's persuasion: "Your Majesty is now deeply involved in the scourge of poison, and if you drag it on, I'm afraid there will be a life-threatening worry!"

"Just now, the military doctor came to the news that your Majesty's poison has spread to the body and limbs. If you don't get treatment, I am afraid that the poison will attack the heart, and you will die soon!"


Zhao Wugen's eyes were extremely flustered and asked: "Then, what should I do?

"General, don't panic, although the situation is not good for our Daqin army, it is not without a turnaround!

"If you have any ideas, tell me quickly, and Ben will be rewarded afterwards!"

After the old soldier heard the news, he nodded his head and said, "Although my Daqin army is facing the enemy on three sides this time, it is a sign of certain defeat, and it is almost impossible to break through the enemy's siege.

"However, when our army is divided, there are still a large number of men and horses that can face it, and the enemy's division is always only more than 30,000 people. Even if the elite troops are divided into three, it is only to tear down the east wall and make up the west wall. Knife.

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