Chapter 320

"In my opinion, it's best to send a small number of troops to both sides, beating gongs and drums, fluttering flags, and bluffing, so that the enemy army thinks that our army is breaking out all the way!

"In this way, under the confusion, the Huns can't defend against it. Let's wait for an opportunity to break out from the front, win more and less, and break through with all our strength. After he divides his troops, how many soldiers and horses can be left, no matter how many tens of thousands of troops we have. opponent.""

"Eight sixty" "We can drown them with a single mouthful of saliva.

The veteran's message was clear and concise.

After Zhao Wugen heard this, he nodded again and again, and even patted him on the shoulder and said, "You, you are right, so we can't divide our troops and send a small army to deal with the enemy forces on both sides. The bigger the better, and then we lead the army to attack from the front, and I don’t believe how many people he can leave behind to deal with my Daqin elite division after the division?”

After he finished saying these words, when even ordered, "The three battalions, each will send 2,000 soldiers, carry the Great Qin Heilongshui flag, confuse the enemy, and attack the enemy on both sides.""

"The enemy army is divided into three places, and there is no more strength to fight."

"I'll tell you what to say now, as long as you can successfully deceive the soldiers and horses on both sides of the enemy army, and after the frontal enemy army is completely wiped out, you will definitely come back to save you. At that time, everyone will be a hero. Everyone gets preferential treatment!”

"To put it bluntly, this is a great opportunity for us to gain military exploits!""

"Brothers, kill me! 99

After he finished saying these words, his chest felt a little stuffy with excitement, but his heart was quite uncomfortable.


A soldier squinted his eyes and came forward and asked, "At the moment of the great enemy, the number of enemy troops on three sides is quite large. If you ask the brothers from the three battalions to take out 4,000 people to resist, isn't that going to send you to death?"

"Not to die, not to die!"

"You all misunderstood me. 35

"What I mean is that the enemy's strength will also be weakened due to the division of troops, and you don't want to attack, as long as you can hold on for a period of time and let our army break through the enemy's army from the front with more strikes and less, say Maybe we can take this opportunity to defeat them one by one and completely wipe out the enemy army!""

After he finished saying this, the resistance of the soldiers in front of him became even greater, "Nonsense!

"You general, do you know the good or the bad, how can the Huns army be so easy to deal with?"

"At the beginning, General Wang Ben, 300,000 elite soldiers of the Qin Dynasty, was ravaged by 100,000 iron cavalry of the Huns and applauded. In the end, less than 100,000 people survived. Such a tragic situation is enough to show that the Huns who attacked this time were by no means lighthearted. generation!"5

"Now that the numbers of the two sides are almost equal, and they don't have an advantage, it's just a matter of dividing their troops to fight. You still think that you want the brothers to die. At a critical juncture, how can there be a general like you who is greedy for life and fears death?"

"If you want to fight or kill, you just have to go straight up. There are too many people and it will be bloated. Although we are all infantry and have no horses, we have experience in dealing with cavalry for so many years. We can't defeat the Xiongnu army head-on, but we can also drag them down."

"In such a situation, you should divide your troops into three positions to defend against the enemy, and then send a messenger out to Xianyang for help, waiting for reinforcements to arrive.

"The situation is urgent now. Once the battle situation ahead changes 2.2, we will have no way out!"

"There are tens of thousands of Xiongnu in front of me, it's not enough to kill them, let them make trouble, and they won't be able to make any big waves, and let tens of thousands of troops bite them.

"As a commanding general, do you want me as a soldier to teach you how to do it?"

The soldier stood up without hesitation, and there was a sense of righteousness in his words, forcing Zhao Wugen to step back.

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