I! Great Qin Rui Beast, Q\u0026A About the Opening Luck

Chapter 318 Breakthrough of the whole army

Chapter 318 Breakthrough of the whole army

"Indecision is a big taboo in the military family, generals must not be suspicious, under the pour, just rush to kill!

"it is good!""

"I'm planning to do this, according to your opinion, all of them will rush to kill!

After he finished saying these words, the sharp knives in the hands of all the soldiers were unsheathed!

"The warriors of Daqin, the Huns have been defeated, kill them all!"


The sound of a metal beast was deafening, and it was about to tear the earth apart, shocking the bent over weeds on the plain, and the tiny flakes trembled.

When they rushed up together, there were almost no other thoughts in their minds.

Once the idea of ​​making great military achievements is born, there will be only life-and-death killings left, and there will be no other ideas.

In the distance of 860 days, the Xiongnu cavalry who were close to the ruler quickly appeared in front of them.

Logically speaking, the cavalry of these Huns moved very fast. After they saw so many Qin soldiers chasing after them, they should have fled immediately, which should not be a problem.

But what they never expected was that instead of doing this, they let Daqin's army get closer.

At this point, even if Zhao Wugen felt a little strange, it was of little use.

The Qin army, who rushed over quickly, came to the enemy's encirclement and successfully fell into the trap of the Huns.

However, Zhao Wugen, who boosted his morale, did not realize the seriousness of the problem at all. He still felt that with a large army in hand, the base was so large that it was no problem to deal with the mere tens of thousands of Xiongnu cavalry.

The defeated army, demoralized, is not the opponent of the Da Qin army.


The soldiers charged forward with sharp swords and spears.

But they have always ignored an important point, that is, the Daqin army has always been mainly defensive, and there is no possibility of attack.

But at this time, no matter what to say, it seems to be a little too late.

A large number of Qin soldiers and horses have already entered the siege.

They did not expect that now they are already deep in ambush, fighting constantly.

However, the Huns had no intention of defeating the army in the slightest (bbcc).

The two sides suddenly collided with each other, as if the waters of the rivers met, they penetrated each other, and they were mixed together, making it difficult to tell them apart.

The fighting was brutal.

The Qin army felt that this was a good opportunity to make meritorious deeds, and spared no effort; the Huns felt that the Qin army was courageous and reckless, and fell into their own ambush without knowing it.

Little did he know that he was here to die, and he was completely at a disadvantage.

As they came to a conclusion for each other, this battle became more and more interesting.

"General Zhao, the enemy army is going to fight with us desperately!

"One or two of them, holding knives, seemed like they had no brains, and rushed up. Many of our brothers died. 35

"If they are all like this, and there are two more waves of attacks of this magnitude, even if we have a large number of people, we can't resist it..."

"Your Majesty is in a coma, we can't have anything else to lose."

Zhao Wugen shouted fiercely, "Then what can we do?"

"Is it difficult, stop fighting?"

"What about the small group of enemies caught in the middle, don't you care?

"God knows where their next target will be."

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