Chapter 317

Da Qin's army quickly pursued forward.

That Zhao Wugen even took the lead, waving the whip in his hand and commanding a large number of teams.

It seems to show his status and power in this way.

The Qin army rushed over in large numbers, vowing to pursue the victory and defeat the cavalry team in one fell swoop.

This kind of thinking is actually correct in normal thinking.

Once the cavalry team has rested, they will soon launch a second attack. In this way, the wheels are coming, and it is even more difficult to resist.

Although the training of cavalry is much better than that of infantry, it is very practical.

A cavalryman, when fighting, consumes less physical strength than an infantryman. As long as he gets the supply of food and grass, he can quickly restore his normal combat capability.

Swinging a knife to kill, only one blow is needed, and there is a high probability that the enemy can be seriously injured or killed, which is also one of the strengths of cavalry troops.

Unlike infantry, in the world's long battlefield, the combat power is getting weaker and weaker, and the casualties are getting bigger and bigger...

And now it seems that under the influence of such a law, the form of the battlefield is tilting in the direction favorable to the Xiongnu...

Zhao Wugen believed that the soldiers of the three major battalions of the Qin Dynasty were all heroes who could fight against hundreds of enemies. for the benefit.

After all, in this area, in addition to himself, the rear of the Xiongnu is also led by the hundreds of thousands of rear troops led by Master Fusu.

"Crush them, completely suppress these Huns, and don't give them a chance to breathe"!"

One command.

All the soldiers under his command obeyed the orders.

Da Qin's treatment of these soldiers under the army has always been good, and the military merits are generous, all of which are heart-warming.

Under such a military merit system, there are distinct levels, how many people have broken their heads to steal the enemy's life, after all, this is a stepping stone on the road to promotion in the officialdom!

Just like those literati and writers, they were promoted for their achievements in governing the country, and these military generals on the battlefield also had room for advancement in military merit.

Once a fixed military merit is achieved, it is a real general, and future generations can enjoy the glory and wealth.

"The Huns are afraid of us?


"Great Qin is mighty!"

This Zhao Wugen was even more coquettish after seeing a few Hun cavalrymen who were eager to flee.

A rare opportunity!

In the army at hand now, only his official position is the largest, and several old army chiefs who did not obey orders have also fallen into the ranks.

Now that the first command of the tens of thousands of troops is in his own hands, and the first emperor is also unconscious due to poisoning, at this time, once he saves the first emperor and rushes out with the first emperor, and wipes out the Xiongnu cavalry, That's a great thing!

Taking advantage of (King Qian's) this opportunity to ascend to the throne, or even advance a few levels, is very possible.

He was completely fanatical in his heart, and this obsession with rights made him lose his mind.

He just heard a lieutenant beside him say: "General Zhao, the enemy army is defeated, and it is time to send troops. Don't delay the war opportunity and let the battle situation fall into a disadvantage."5

"The cavalry of the Huns were originally not many in number, and their vitality was damaged by our army. Now they are retreating, their morale is declining, and they have already lost!

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