Chapter 309 Doubts and Ghosts

In Xianyang City.

At this moment, Bai Zhu was standing by the high wall at the city gate, listening to the elaboration report of a messenger beside him.

In order to protect against the wind and cold, Ying Yinman, who was beside him, put on a small cotton-padded jacket for him, and put it over his body.

Baihei's eyes stared straight at the hillside not far in front of him, what was thinking in his heart, Yinman heard it clearly.

She just asked the messenger in front of her and said, "You mean, Your Majesty is now at war with the armies of the Six Nations, and reinforcements from Shangdang County and Yingchuan County have already arrived?"


A concise and clear answer.

Yin Man nodded, but soon, the horses rushed outside, and the second messenger rushed in one after another.


"There is another battle ahead! 35

Because the distance was too close, and Lao Zhao's ugly words were in front of him, Bai Hei didn't dare to use the mind of the Suzaku Organ Beast, and simply used the fastest information transmission method at that time, expediting the order at eight hundred miles.

That is to let the soldiers ride a fast horse and run to the front at the fastest speed, so as to avoid delaying the military situation and losing fighter planes.

But this is the case, but there is still a delay.

The new messenger in front of him said slowly: "Sir Baihei, Yingchuan's troops, regardless of enemy or enemy, shot arrows at our loyal and brave soldiers in Shangdang County!"

"Whether they did it on purpose or not, in a word, their strong bows and arrows did not have much impact on the soldiers in Shangdang County."

"But the proud Daqin cavalry team in Shangdang County was completely taken away from the horses under the crotch, and they were all shot and killed by this arrow rain! 99


Yin Man nodded thoughtfully, "Okay, I understand, you go down first."

After she finished saying these words, the person in front of her really slowly retreated.

"No reason.""

【What do people in Yingchuan County eat? They all know that their bows and arrows are far away, but there is absolutely no need to take action against their allies. Are they eating leopard guts?】

[The laws of Daqin have always been unacceptable and cruel to the act of intentionally injuring friendly troops. 】

[But they actually know the law and break the law. Could it be that they want to help the enemy Huns?]

Bai Hei knew nothing about the situation in Yingchuan County, but simply knew that there was a wealthy family, the Han family, in Yingchuan County.

・・For flowers・...

The Han family is indeed rich. Since the beginning of South Korea during the Warring States Period, they have been secretly hiding their strength and secretly accumulating strength.

It was only now that he began to gradually show his true face.

But still no one dares to say anything, because they all know that even if they say it, it is useless and can't change anything. Why should they bring this unnecessary trouble to themselves?

In fact, it is precisely because of this reason that the Han family can quickly accumulate their wealth and power to gain the ability to dominate a township for a long time.

"It's very possible!"

I could only hear Ying Yinman frowning and thinking in front of him.

Soon Baihei asked her, "Why?"

"You may not be particularly familiar with the situation in Yingchuan County, but I am particularly aware of the customs over there."

"Most of the aborigines in Yingchuan County are former Koreans, and they have a lot of knowledge about the Han family. Today's Han family can be regarded as the most rebellious and most capable of the remnants of the six kingdoms. Knife.

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