Chapter 308 Prepare to break through

"So, the enemy's knives and guns may also be contaminated with so much poison..."

"It's no wonder that those soldiers lost their strength in less than a round, it turned out to be the reason.

"These treacherous and cunning Xiongnu are really doing everything they can, and they have used such despicable methods in order to shake the king's division of my Da Qin! 35

"I, the Great Qin Iron Cavalry, will definitely repay it a hundredfold!"

After speaking, he was so angry that he pulled out his saber, "Brothers, the enemy's vicious tactics are just to dampen our morale."

"Never let the 853 enemy succeed.""

"I'll fight to the death!

At this moment, such a group of old Qin people and pawns are almost all ready for the last battle.

No one wants to step back.

Because wherever you go, you will die.

Even if they succeeded in breaking through the siege and smoothly reunited with the large troops in front, they would inevitably lose their combat effectiveness due to the lack of rations. The hundreds of thousands of troops in front were fighting with hundreds of thousands of troops from the six countries. Not a small amount.

Of course, it's not just them, but also the reinforcements who came to reinforce, they all depended on this food to survive.

Whether in peacetime or in wartime, food and forage are always in the first place.

The supply of food and grass is not enough, and in all likelihood this battle cannot be fought.

The root cause of the war is not the grain and economic strength of the war?

If a person loses his strength, he will not be able to wield swords and guns, and he will not be able to fight. As a result, he will be brutally killed by the enemy army, and there will be no room for resistance.

The process of war is extremely cruel.

"Your Majesty has fainted now, what should I do?"

The veteran asked anxiously.

"The pulse is relatively stable. It should have just passed out because of the poison. Although the poison is strong, it is not enough to kill people in an instant."

"Now I just fainted due to paralysis, as long as the toxin does not continue to spread to other parts of the body, everything can be saved.

"If the treatment is not timely and the toxin (bbcc) is not excreted from the body, once it has spread completely, it will be too late."

After he finished saying this, the veteran soldier nodded and said, "In this case, I will send a group of personal soldiers to lead you out with you, your safety can be guaranteed, and the brothers in our three battalions will also Give you a chance.

"The emperor is a sage of the ages, and there must be no accident, let alone Daqin without him!"5

"Your Majesty's safety during this period is entirely up to you to take care of.

"We put our trust in you.

The military doctor nodded, "I have a question."

His face became surprised, "Where do we need to break out, and where do we go after breaking out?"

After he asked and said these words, even the veteran soldier who could only see him opened his mouth and said, "Behind the enemy's rear, Xianyang City. 55

"If you can hold on to the army of Fusu and the others in the rear, please make sure to ask them to increase their troops to support them. Even if the food of 100,000 stone is destroyed, it must not fall into the hands of the Xiongnu barbarians. 99

As he spoke, he roared with righteous indignation and generosity: "Brothers, kill the Huns!


"Da Qin, Wan Sheng!"

After saying this, he could only see him holding the big sword in his hand, looking majestically at the Xiongnu in front of him, and slowly buffered the past.

Every step seems to carry a heavy sense of power.

He spared no effort to lead the charge, and the soldiers behind him all followed closely, and none of them had any intention of retreating.

Because they all understand that the opportunity for meritorious deeds has come!

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