Chapter 310

After analyzing the result, Yin Man in front of him then added: "As early as the Six Kingdoms period, most of the South Korean troops were cast under the banner of the Han family, and they worked hard for them."5

"It's not because their Han family gave them a bowl of rice to eat at a critical moment, but because they had no choice at all.

"The emperor of South Korea at that time did not have the air of a prince at all, but "Eight Five Seven" looked like a condescending person, greedy for life and fear of death, which made people not only disgusted, but also disgusted. The mind that dares to continue fighting, such a country will not perish, I am afraid that the people will not have a good life.

"But at that time, the Han family wanted to win over people's hearts, not only distributing porridge to the local residents, but also sending them a lot of clothes to keep out the cold, with an amiable attitude, like a good official, who can do these things. People, but they are not officials, they are just a wealthy local family, as for the origin of this Han family, the majority of the people actually do not know."

"Just know that they are their own saviors, and they can have meat to eat with them. 39

So many people have to rub their heads against the Han family. It is for this reason that the family members of the Han family can be regarded as an army. Some of them are money, and they bought you directly. No matter how innocent you are, you have to be a man with your tail tucked in between. Otherwise, don't blame others for not showing mercy to you.

If you receive the money, you will receive it, and if you don't, things will not be so simple.

As the power of the Han family grew, the contradictions naturally became more and more obvious.

When Daqin destroyed Korea, it was not because of anything special, but because of Korea's infighting.

The Han family, although there is a Korean character in the name, is actually fundamentally different from South Korea.

At best, the Han family is just a small family that is wealthy enough to rival the country.

Although the people knew that he was good and that he was rich, they didn't know how rich he was after all.

The descendants of the Han family have always kept a low profile, and no one has ever revealed their hidden secrets.

Later, due to geographical reasons, South Korea was the country with the least number of people, the weakest combat power, and the closest country to Daqin in the Three Jin Dynasty.

Daqin adhered to the policy of making distant friends and attacking closely, and soon South Korea became Daqin's first development goal. Since this time, South Korea has almost been targeted by Daqin.

If it is not eaten, it must be because people have no appetite for the time being.

However, it is precisely because of this incident that the emperor of South Korea was so frightened that he didn't think about it, he was unhappy, and he drank all day long to drown his sorrows...

But even so, there were inevitably loyal ministers who offered him the strategies they had considered, but there was always one that he felt feasible.

It is at this moment that the national disaster is at the forefront, and the big figures in the whole country have to donate money to enrich the national treasury and distribute the army's food and salaries.

But in the area where South Korea was at that time, how many big old people were there?

All are pure poor embryos. 2.2

The only big family is the Han family!

How could the Han family not know such a thing?

He also quickly responded by not donating more at all, and even asked for the same donation standard as the common people.

But the emperor of South Korea gave up, and felt that the reputation of the largest household in South Korea would be able to earn him a fortune to raise army rations and let them spit out what should be handed over.

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