Chapter 297

"At that time, we will be more passive!"

"Not only was the back road blocked, but also lost contact with the rear army, and food and grass could not be transported out of it. What should I do then?

"There are many troops in front, once the food and grass are cut off, what will our soldiers eat?

"What strength do you use to fight the enemy?"

"According to what I said, we should take this opportunity to take the initiative to attack directly, break out from the front, and fight with a large number of reinforcements in front. Only in this way can we turn passive into active."

"Then turn around and attack the Xiongnu cavalry. In this case, two and two are mixed together, and they will be defeated by the enemy on both sides. They will definitely be defeated!""

"Don't take the frontal army of the Six Nations as a weak chicken. Their combat effectiveness is not much weaker than ours. Once they get angry, and they are fully overwhelmed, it will be difficult for us to breathe."

In the face of such a bad situation, several generals were chattering endlessly, but they never came up with a decent countermeasure.

"Okay, okay, stop arguing""!"

"No matter how noisy, I haven't seen you come up with any idea. 99

I saw the First Emperor said with a very indifferent expression: "You guys, command the front-line troops here, I will personally go to the rear, and I will meet for a while that the Xiongnu cavalry is powerful.

"Where are they not good at hitting, but they hit the middle of our waist, isn't it clear that they are coming to me?"

"Since we're going to fight, let them come. I'd like to see how brave the Huns' cavalry, who made my Daqin army's dismay, really be! 35

"Your Majesty, it is absolutely impossible!"

"Your Majesty, you are the foundation of a country, how can you go to the battlefield in person?"

"Please let Admiral go in person? 99

As the dissuasion of several generals fell, the first emperor's eyes widened, "What?"

"I'm not the king of subjugation, you are worried that my command will not work?

As soon as these words came out, the soldiers in front of them all shook their heads.

"No, it's me who are worried about the safety of His Majesty's dragon body. You are dealing with all kinds of opportunities every day, and you have been working hard to approve the world's performance and diligence, but now you are even more overwhelmed.


The First Emperor snorted, "I'm very energetic now, and after so many days in the court, I really want to try it myself, how powerful is this ferocious Huns army?"

"Get out of the way!"9

"Who dares to stop me?

A general madly hugged the first emperor's leg and cried out: "Although it is death to stop it, it is still a sin not to stop it. Your Majesty, this minister cannot let you take risks..."

Do you want to rebel?

The first emperor's face turned cold, and several soldiers from the black ice platform came out in an instant behind him.

The general had originally thought of swearing to persuade him to the death, but now he has completely lost his mind, and his heart is a lot colder, thinking that this time is over, if something really happened to His Majesty, he would not have to live.

So he quickly let go of his hands, and the first emperor (Qian Zhao) quickly walked out because of this, but when he left, he turned around and left a sentence: "Remember, if the battlefield on the front line is defeated, I will take the you are asking!

"Brothers from the three camps, follow me!

"Brothers, the emperor personally came to direct us, this time the Xiongnu will definitely be defeated!

"Long live the emperor!"

The First Emperor rode on the back of a horse, wearing a pair of black dragon armor with patterns, his majesty was self-evident, "Children of the Qin Dynasty!"

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