Chapter 296

On the other hand, after the tens of thousands of cavalrymen in Shangdang County dismounted, they fought hard for their lives and spared no effort to rush to kill.

Although the army of the Six Nations was numerous and powerful, they did not dare to advance to attack, fearing that the opponent would counterattack on the verge of death.

On the frontal battlefield of the Qin army.

Seeing the obvious chaos in the rear of the enemy army, the first emperor soon became enlightened in his heart.

"This time, it's their turn to suffer from the side.

The soldiers on the side also happily said: "No one stipulates that if you detour to attack our army's rear, our army can't sneak attack on your side, right? 35

"The Art of War!"

The first emperor cursed, especially disdain, but there was still a smile on his face.

"Not good, not good!

"The enemy, the enemy is coming!

A letter stumbled and ran over in a bloody mess. When the First Emperor saw this, his eyes widened, and the smile on his face disappeared without a trace in an instant.

what happened?

This is the first reaction in the hearts of the people.

"The enemy, the enemy is attacking our camp from the rear..."


The first emperor suddenly felt anger in his heart.

"It came from behind?"

"what happened?"

"What about the troops stationed?"5

The messenger's eyes were full of tears and blood. "Before, there were poisonous people and they burned their armor. Without the protection of the armor, they were no match for the Xiongnu cavalry."

"This time, all those who came from the rear were the elite Huns cavalry, and none of them were soldiers of the Six Nations!"

"Your Majesty, hurry up and order the division of troops for reinforcements. The level of destruction is no less than that of the army of the 500,000 Six Nations in front..."

After the letter in front of him finished speaking, the generals around him were all shocked.

I saw them galloping back and forth, anxious like ants on a hot pan.

"How can this be good?"

"If this is the case, the enemy army will surprise us from behind, which is simply wanting our life..."

"If we don't hurry up and think of a solution, it will be too late when they completely cut off our contact with other armies!"

"Hurry up and stop the attack in the front, and turn to send troops to the rear, Your Majesty, the most urgent thing is the Hun troops in the rear. Although the troops of the Six Nations are large in number, they are not very aggressive. If these tens of thousands of Hun cavalry are not resolved, they will It's our heartbreaker!

However, after he finished speaking, a general quickly retorted: "But have you ever thought about it, reinforcements from Shangdang County and Yingchuan County have already arrived. If we haven't made a full-scale attack, they will It is very likely that they will not be able to hold on. This is tantamount to wasting the lives of the Qin soldiers in vain.

"With less, there are more enemies, and it is not an opponent at all."

"After all the reinforcements are over 847, it will be difficult for us to launch a large-scale attack on the enemy."

"It doesn't work either, that doesn't work either, tell me, what should I do?"

"No matter what I do, I can't listen to you. If you divide your troops back, will you ignore the pressure on the frontal battlefield?

"When the big enemy is present, why should you care about the small group of enemies behind you?"

After he finished saying these words, the person in front of him snorted coldly.

"Small enemy?"

"You said it lightly. It's not like you haven't seen the power of the Huns. This time there are at least tens of thousands of elite cavalry. If you don't care, the rear battalion that they have just broken through will be able to reach the front line in half an hour. Come!

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