I! Great Qin Rui Beast, Q\u0026A About the Opening Luck

Chapter 298 Take the initiative to attack

Chapter 298 Take the initiative to attack

"The Xiongnu invaded, disturbed my borders, hurt my people, and provoked the relationship between the six kingdoms' armies and Daqin. I really deserve to be killed!"

"But I can't treat you badly. The Huns are powerful, but you have to be even more powerful than them. Everyone is human, so who should be afraid of who?"

"Go ahead and kill them!

"One cavalry, one hundred taels! 39

"Two cavalry, three hundred taels!""

"Three cavalry, four hundred taels!"5

"The more you kill, the more you get!

"I personally supervise the battle, see the majesty of my Daqin soldiers, and let the Huns have a good experience of our Daqin Erlangs!"

Cang's pulled out a sharp blade.

"Kill! 35

After the strong and powerful voice came out, even I saw them rushing back.

The Huns' cavalry was on the verge of 850, but they never expected that the enemy army would charge up again at this time, and most of them were riding horses.

During the tidal battle, they gradually realized that the group of people in front of them were actually not easy to deal with.

It was even more vicious than the general Da Qin soldiers. Not only was the armor strong and hard, but ordinary swords were hard to break their skin, and their blades were extremely sharp. Several Huns cavalry were stunned to have their arms cut off and fell off their horses. Heavy casualties.

But at this moment, what surprised them even more was that these troops were well-trained.

He has skilled experience in dealing with cavalry, and he fights without any ambiguity. He was born to restrain them.

They don't know who the general of the Qin army is at this moment.

But I saw that the cavalry of my own family was retreating steadily for a while, and the ground turned into a moat that the cavalry could not cross.

The Huns' horse warriors fell one by one, and it was only at this time that they realized that the other party was not a good person.

They used the multiple crossbow arrows commonly used by the Qin army. Once they were fired, the power was amazing. Not to mention, the target group was even wider.

In a short time, the ground was covered with the bodies of the Huns.

Seeing their companions come forward to die one by one, the Huns suddenly stopped attacking, and they had their own unique ways to solve problems that could not be attacked for a long time.

Seeing the strange behavior of the enemy, the First Emperor waved his hand, the soldiers of the Black Ice Terrace stopped attacking (bbcc), and the Daqin infantry soldiers also retreated.

confront the enemy.

The Xiongnu army slowly bypassed, and a figure slowly came out from behind.

I saw that he was not someone else, it was General Udi, who had never shown himself before. I saw that he was wearing a mink coat.

"You Daqin generals only have so little troops left, and it is already at the end of the force. I hope you can think about it, whether it is war or surrender, life or death, as long as you can atone for your sins, then our great Khan will never embarrass you. life!"


"Just you?"

One of the generals in the Qin army scolded and said, "Where do you come from, or where you go, otherwise, the shooting will be correct!

With a wave of his hand, the several crossbowmen beside him really quaked, ready to pull the trigger at any time.

"and many more.""

A calm voice came from the rear of the Daqin army, and two people quickly walked out from the inside.

"Surrender? 35

The first emperor walked out leisurely wearing a black dragon armor, "How dare you talk about surrender to the soldiers of Da Qin?

"Who is your Excellency?"

"I am your target this time, the emperor of Da Qin, Ying Zheng!

All the Qin soldiers: "???99

The Huns cavalry: "???

General Udi: "???"

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