I! Great Qin Rui Beast, Q\u0026A About the Opening Luck

Chapter 295 The Flag of the Black Dragon

Chapter 295 The Flag of the Black Dragon

However, when Li Baoshi and his army were fighting against these abandoned Six Nations troops, a whistle sounded, and he suddenly realized that something was wrong...

"not good!"

The arrows rained all over the sky, pouring down, and the intensity was no weaker than before.

The iron cavalry team of Shangdang County was directly mixed with the troops of the Six Nations. This shot down, wouldn't the "847" be indistinguishable between the enemy and us?

Puff puff puff!

Daqin's cavalrymen were shot off their horses one after another. No cavalrymen could survive such a large-scale shooting.

The Daqin cavalry who did not react directly turned into a lively hedgehog.

Those who reacted, hid under the corpses on the ground, but also lost their war horses. At this point, Da Qin's war horses were exhausted, and there were no more cavalry to speak of.

Losing their horses, they quickly became weak and weak, and as a result of their reduced combat power, they fell into a big predicament.

Seeing this, the Six Nations army even dispatched a large number of troops to flank the left and right sides, and in the place directly in front, a huge number of army phalanxes were approaching step by step.

Li Baoshi was furious, "Bastard, why are you shooting arrows at this time..."

I saw that he was sitting on the ground at this moment, clutching his thighs. He didn't pay attention just now. A sharp arrow pierced through the gap of his armor when he just charged, and penetrated the entire bloody leg.

"All blind, all blind!"

"It's over!"

Deputy General Wang rushed up at this time, holding Li Baoshi, who was in severe pain, and asked with tears in his eyes: "General, are you all right, you must not fall down..."

"We still have 120,000 troops coming behind us, as long as we persevere, even if we force them to divide their troops to deal with us, it will still be of great help to His Majesty's Master Wang.

"You don't have to wait for the rabbit, and you don't have to sit here and beg for death. Let's rush out and kill him without leaving a piece of armor, and kill him by surprise!"

After he finished saying these words in front of him, a large number of soldiers behind him raised their swords one after another.

"Brothers, this will be our last battle, swear to annihilate the enemy army!"

"Hold up the black dragon flag to me!"

As soon as the voice fell, it was only seen that the whole body was pitch black, and the flag with a long-toothed and dancing-clawed black dragon inlaid on it rose slowly again.


Although he didn't know why the army on the Yingchuan side had launched a large-scale projectile at this moment, it was obviously not something he should consider at the moment.

He resisted the pain on his body, casually tore off the rags and tied the injured part of his leg, and still fought to the end.

So ever.

The Shangdang County cavalry, who had lost a large number of their horses, took out their sabres on the spot, and ran towards the center of the enemy army.


An earth-shattering roar sounded.

What the Xiongnu troops had never imagined was that they would be so desperate.

"Are they looking for death?

2.2 The psychological defense line of the Six Nations forces was once again hit.

They didn't expect that the other party would be able to do this for the sake of this country. On the other hand, they and others had surrendered early, and there was no sense that the rise and fall of any country was the responsibility of everyone.

But at this moment, facing the fierce attack of the Great Qin Tiger and Wolf Division with less to more, it is even more frightening.

Gradually, he became timid without fighting.

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