Chapter 294


"Maybe, this battle is a small matter, but behind the scenes is a big one.

"What kind of brutality is the fighting with swords and guns on this battlefield, it's a real sword and a real gun, but it's a good death, and it's a happy death.

"I'm afraid that after we are born and die, there will be no secret arrows in the imperial court..."

"Your Majesty is by no means the kind of soft-hearted person."

"Certainly not a fool, he sees far more than we see."5

"I'm afraid that there will be some jumping clowns who will come out to make trouble.

Vice Admiral Wang added: "At this moment, we don't know the situation of the battle. As long as we follow Sir Xiao's instructions, rush in directly, and join up with His Majesty's Master Wang, we will be able to defeat the enemy troops and horses in a big way, and gain an absolute advantage."


As they talked, the arrows that flew across the sky never stopped.

Finally, after their conversation was over, a sharp-knife unsheathed sound rang out.

Under the galloping gallop of thousands of troops, a black dragon flag with a powerful deterrent force rose into the wind, and above the war horse, it symbolized the indestructible power of a powerful force.

Wolf smoke!

Mighty and mighty, unstoppable!

The tens of thousands of cavalry troops quickly rushed into the enemy's ranks. The number of corpses they stepped on was increasing, and the blood was flowing into the ground with warmth.

The blood flowed into rivers, and the hard horseshoes trampled on these corpses recklessly. The bloody scene made people feel extremely dizzy.

As soon as the murderous Daqin iron cavalry came up, the Six Nations army, who had been severely injured by the bow and arrow, had not had time to react, and was killed in seven or eight, becoming an unnamed corpse lying on the ground.

Li Baoshi took the lead and charged in the front. I have to say that this guy is indeed a general who has served under General Wang Jian.

Although the fighting is not particularly aggressive, but following his team, they always rush to places with many people. Looking at it from a distance, they make judgments. Vice-General Wang and other leaders of a hundred and a thousand are not considered battles. The power is weak, but after all, it can't compare to his efficiency.

Such an efficient method of killing the enemy, they are ashamed.

Most of the officers and soldiers here have hardly fought a few large-scale wars, so the offensive is relatively conservative.

But Li Baoshi was different. He was rushing faster and faster. His calf kicked the horse's belly like crazy. of.

He got excited, as if he didn't care about anything.

・・For flowers....

Vice-General Wang was worried at the back, and led a few entourage teams to chase him all the way.

More and more soldiers from the Six Nations fell, but even so, the battlefield was wider than they imagined.

This is just the tip of the iceberg.

Li Baoshi alone in the entire cavalry team is far from being strong enough. The other cavalry team members can be said to be ferocious, but because they are used to being pampered on weekdays, they are always a little bit worse.

Of course, the armies of the Six Nations were not too weak to be vulnerable.

Some unlucky Daqin cavalrymen were surrounded by more than a dozen soldiers from the Six Nations, their sharp spears pierced their flesh and blood, their horses tripped over, and they were stabbed to death!

On the battlefield, there is no sympathy at all. If you die, you will die, and there is nothing to say.

The brave attack of the cavalry quickly shocked the generals of the Xiongnu troops. He directly ordered the defeated soldiers in the front to die in battle, and let the army behind them form a formation to resist the fierce attack of the Daqin Iron Cavalry.

Until this time, the battle situation gradually stabilized.

But for the entire battlefield, the impact is not very big.

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